some of the students and staff are in the hospital


Rotavirus infection

According to the director of the progymnasium Lina Adomaitienė, the school was hit first by rotavirus, and very soon, by coronavirus.

“May 4-6 several staff members and students of the progymnasium felt bad in the progymnasium. All the symptoms were similar: severe headache, indigestion. Staff and students approached the doctors.

We tried to connect everyone in the community who experienced similar symptoms.

We consult with specialists from the National Health Center and the State Veterinary Food Service on preventive measures and actions.

Due to health problems, 4 primary school students were hospitalized in the Kėdainiai district hospital.

According to the parents of the students, rotavirus infection was confirmed in the children. At the moment, all the students are sent home ”, informed the director.

Specialists from the State Veterinary Food Service were invited to the progymnasium and samples were taken to determine the focus of the viral infection. The progymnasium facilities were disinfected.

Self-insulation class 5

The school principal reports that since May 3, 64% of the students have been in the contact school at the progymnasium. primary school pupils (whose parents or guardians have agreed that children should undergo regular rapid antigen testing).

“Due to close contact with people with COVID-19, as of May 10. 2 classes of primary education studied at a distance.

May 10 we learned that the COVID-19 disease was confirmed in a progymnasium employee who had contact with three classes of primary education, so there are currently 5 classes of primary education students in self-isolation, ”reported L. Adomaitienė.

Learn at a distance

After assessing the entire situation in the progymnasium, in accordance with the recommendations of the specialists of the National Center of Public Health, the decision of the director of the administration of the Kėdainiai district municipality in the progymnasium in 2021 was made to introduce a regimen that limit the spread of infections May 10-21, all grades 1-4 and 5-8. students learn remotely.
