Some of the employees are laid off by Forum Cinemas, Lux Express and Gargždai Brick Factory


The companies reported this to the Employment Service in the last month, and after a few months they updated the public announcements on the dismissal of the group’s employees.

Forum Cinemas, which is being bought by UP Invest, an Estonian businessman, Margus Linnamae (Linamaje), announced in early September that it was laying off 32 workers.

Forum Cinemas OU is the largest cinema operator in the Baltic countries and operates the Coca-Cola Plaza cinema complex in Tallinn, Ekraan in Tartu and Centrum in Viljandi. The company has one cinema in Latvia and five in Lithuania.

Sodra data shows that the Lithuanian branch of Forum Cinemas currently has 136 employees.

At that time, Lux Express Lithuania announced the layoff of 23 employees. According to Sodra, there are currently nine people left in the company.

The company announced earlier this month a cut in international travel. According to Rait Remmelis, director of international business at Lux Express, demand for routes fell sharply at the end of August, as the threat increased that Latvia would introduce a requirement to isolate those from Lithuania and other countries.

Latvia introduced this requirement last week. Isolation on arrival from Latvia to Lithuania is not mandatory.

The Gargždai brick factory announced the dismissal of the 43 workers. According to the Registry Center, the plant was absorbed by the bankruptcy administrator since the end of August and the main creditors of the company, SEB and Luminor, declared the company bankrupt, out of court.

The document from the creditors’ meeting of August 21 states that the plant owes SEB Bank LTL 10.3 million. 5 million euros for Luminor. euros. Their claims represent more than 75 percent. creditors of all the liabilities of the company.

The report presented to the Center of Records indicates that the company received 2.329 million LTL last year. 819.5 thousand euros. Net profit of euros and had accumulated 1,419 million euros. profit in euros.

The company reported potential financial problems in the 2019 report, according to which downtime and the threat of insolvency were declared during quarantine.

The dismissals of the group’s employees had been announced by the Employment Service in the summer, the decision was motivated by “the lack of will to increase tensions.” The notice of dismissal was to be updated as of January next year.

The portal wrote that the institution could be pressured by companies that prevent the dissemination of such knowledge. Economists viewed the service’s decision negatively and argued that such information was important for evaluating changes in the economy.

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