Some CC judges contribute the same amount to their salaries with additional work


According to the newspaper, announcements about seminars and trainings conducted by some CC judges are available on the Internet.

For example, after paying about 100 euros, it was possible to listen to the lectures of the judge of this court, Daiva Petrylaitė, 43, on the peculiarities of the application of the Labor Code in the public function. According to data from the Constitutional Court, since March 2017, when a judge was appointed, D. Petrylaitė declared 33 agreements with 15 subjects.

For example, in January this year, D. Petrylaitė’s copyright agreement with the Lithuanian Federation of Industrial Trade Unions was concluded. For 6 thousand. The euro professor commissioned an analysis of the collective agreements of its 24 members on behalf of the federation and presented it at an event in May.

The information provided by the CC shows that several more judges declared additional activities, but it is quite modest. According to the additional activities, D.Petrylaitė was only prosecuted by Judge Danutė Jočienė, but indicated six contracts with 5 subjects.

The Constitution provides that a judge may not hold any other elected or appointed position or work in business, commerce, or other private institutions or companies. The Constitution prohibits judges from receiving any remuneration, except the remuneration of a judge and remuneration for educational or creative activities. photo / Daiva Petrylaitė and Dalia Grybauskaitė photo / Daiva Petrylaitė and Dalia Grybauskaitė

D. Petrylaitė is convinced that it did not violate these prohibitions. However, the former CC judge Vytautas Sinkevičius believes that judges can participate in pedagogical activities in a higher education institution with which they have a permanent employment relationship: “It is difficult to classify such activities as pedagogical or creative activities. There are more signs of business and commercial activity in this case, and the judge should not get involved in that ”, V.Sinkevičius is convinced.

In 2016, the Constitutional Court clarified that pedagogical activities are related to teaching, teaching, upbringing in educational and educational institutions (including higher education institutions), and creative activities aim to create a work of science, technology, culture or art.
