Solar power plants in the home – another 9 million. EUR


Aware: 2020-12-26 07:59

Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

An additional € 9 million has been earmarked for the House Solar Power Plant Development measure, which encourages residents to use more renewable energy sources. European funding from the EU l.

The Lithuanian Business Support Agency (LVPA), which manages the implementation of the measure, has signed an agreement with the Environmental Project Management Agency (APVA), which will issue an invitation to residents who want to install solar power plants in their homes.

As indicated in the LVPA report, the project aims to increase the capacity and use of local electricity generated from renewable energy sources, to promote the development of technologies that use such energy for domestic electricity generation. up to 10 kW.

The financing is available to a natural person who owns a residential building (apartment) or a garden house, where the electricity produced by renewable energy technologies will be directed to the production of electricity for household needs.

The power plant can be built on land or in a building managed by a natural person in any legal way. The power plant can be located at the point of consumption, in geographically remote locations or at the point of consumption of the multi-apartment building or its territory.

To date, around 12 million LTL has been earmarked for the preparation of solar power plants. European investment in euros. More than 5,000 households benefited from the subsidies.

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