Sodra will allow companies to defer unpaid premiums during the quarantine period


“In two months, that is, until August 17, we are waiting for insured requests to defer premiums and we are ready to make decisions in a simplified procedure. This means that companies affected by COVID-19 will not have to justify your creditworthiness and you will not be charged interest.

We urge companies not to delay filing applications before the deadline; however, we anticipate that we will have to make thousands of decisions on deferring contribution debts in a relatively short period of time, “said Ježy Miskis, Deputy Director of Sodra, in the press release.

Delays in submitting an application may result in deferred payments, but under normal circumstances, a credit and interest requirement is required.

The two-month period and the simplified deferral conditions do not apply to companies that do not consider themselves affected by COVID-19. This means that unpaid contributions for the previous period must be paid immediately, otherwise Sodra may apply penalties.

Who is covered by the simplified procedure?

Sodra cooperates with the State Tax Inspection (STI) in the application of tax relief measures to companies: it does not calculate corporate debts and does not impose sanctions on companies that are included in the list of companies affected by STI COVID-19 . Other companies could also file a request for the STI at a one-stop shop for non-application of sanctions, and such requests reached Sodra at the same time.

To date, Sodra has already reserved 8 million. payment of contributions in euros by 700 companies. In addition, through the ITS it has received almost 12 thousand. The companies’ requests for sanctions and their responsibilities are estimated at 160 million euros. Euros There are also no sanctions against publicly listed companies.

This does not mean that all these companies wish to defer the payment of contributions. If the policyholder does not want to defer the debts, he must pay the premiums for the quarantine period within two months, before August 17.

It is important that insured persons with experience in COVID-19 who, from the beginning of the quarantine until two calendar months after the end of the quarantine, have been included in the publicly announced insureds by the STI subject to tax relief measures for COVID without request, the payment of unpaid premiums may be deferred during the quarantine procedure. 19 as well as lists of individual activities carried out on the basis of an individual activity certificate or business license for which prohibitions / restrictions have been established. In addition, those whose requests for fiscal aid measures for COVID-19 have been approved by the STI.

The possibility of deferring the debt according to the simplified procedure is not available for those insured whose debt collection has already been delivered to a judicial agent before the beginning of the quarantine or for those who have initiated bankruptcy procedures before the announcement of the quarantine. The simplified procedure does not apply to policyholders who have not been adversely affected during quarantine.

It is also important to mention that Sodra has the right to use a pledge and / or compulsory mortgage to enforce its obligations in certain cases.

What will need to be done?

Policyholders may submit a simple deferral request through the Electronic Policy Holder Support System (EDAS).

There is no need to do anything for those who, in the request for assistance presented by the ITS, immediately indicated the amount of the debt, the debt repayment schedule and do not want to change it after experiencing the impact related to the spread of the virus COVID-19.

Self-employed individuals without a qualified electronic signature may send a digital copy of the application by email. by mail [email protected]

The request must indicate the amount of contributions the company wishes to defer, the date from which the company wants to start paying the contributions (contributions must begin no later than one year) and the period during which the contributions are divided in equal parts each month (maximum four years). from the beginning of the payment of contributions).

This means that companies will have to meet their obligations within 5 years at the latest and can choose both the deferment period during which deferred contributions are not paid at all and the period in which contributions are divided.

Sodra’s divisions will make deferred debt payment decisions in a simplified procedure by 2020 at the latest. September 14
