Sodra warns residents that there is less than a month left to pay, and will take action later.


As Sodra reported to the portal, it does not have data on how many residents who declared their income for 2019 did not pay the state social security contributions (SSD).

“We see the total number of people in debt according to their type of activity, for example, freelancers with business licenses, but their debt may cover a longer period of time,” Sodra said in a comment.

He claims, for example, that there are currently more than 4,400 farmers who have not paid SSD contributions. His total arrears are close to 5 million. euros

There are more than 43 thousand borrowers dedicated to individual activities. The total amount of your unpaid SSD contributions exceeds LTL 23 million. euros

Almost 19 thousand. Residents working on business licenses have also not paid SSD contributions to date. Its total debt amounts to 242 thousand. euros

“If self-employed residents who have not paid SSD contributions on time are on the lists of Covid-19 affected policy holders drawn up by the State Tax Inspectorate, recovery will not take place for another two months after the end of the quarantine, that is, until August 17 of this year, “said Sodra.

Policyholders who have incurred SSD debts have the opportunity to request Sodra for deferred payment in a simplified manner: no interest will be charged on the debt.

Until August 17, it is sufficient for Sodra to submit a simple request through the policy holder’s electronic service system, which indicates the deferred amount, the period of deferment (up to 1 year) and the term of payment of the debt (up to 4 years from the start of the payment).

According to the latest data on Covid-19 contributions, the payment of 859 individuals has been deferred, the deferred amount – 1,248 million. euros

In addition, all residents with business licenses, freelancers, and freelancers (including those who have not been adversely affected by Covid-19) cannot pay monthly PSD contributions during the period between the start of quarantine and the end of They can pay interest-free contributions during this period for two years.

However, if policyholders do not request deferral of premiums before August 17 of this year, calls will be sent to them for payment of the debt. If a person does not pay the debt and does not request a deferment within the term specified in the call, payment orders will be issued and other measures (property seizure, mortgage, recourse to bailiffs) will be applied later, ”says Sodra.

If indebted residents are not on the Covid-19 affected insured lists compiled by the STI, Sodra branches send them calls for debt payment.

If the residents do not pay their debt and request a postponement within the term established in the call, payment orders will be issued, followed by other measures (bailiffs, seizure of assets, recourse to bailiffs).

In March-May of this year alone, Sodra did not receive nearly 157 million. planned funds It is true that 53 million were collected in June. More than planned.
