Sodra warns about the changed procedure: it is important to take care of it


People who are self-employed (except those who work on business leave), like others, are covered by social security for sickness and maternity, Sodra said in a statement.

As of February of this year, self-employed residents are considered insured under social insurance for sickness and maternity if they have paid state social insurance (VSD) contributions and have submitted a SAV notification to Sodra about the self-employed worker from the previous calendar month. the month in which the right to benefit.

The first story: Daina, 28 years old, hairdresser. The self-employed worker is currently waiting and planning to go on maternity leave in early April. It is very important for her to pay social security contributions and submit an SAV report at the end of March.

In this case, the maternity benefit for the entire period of maternity leave (126 calendar days) will be granted within 10 business days following receipt of the application with all the necessary documents and data and will be paid within 7 business days following the decision.

If Daina does not pay her social security contributions by the end of March, maternity benefits will have to wait much longer. It will be allocated and paid only when in 2022 a woman declares income for 2021 and pays social security contributions (including March 2021). After declaring income and paying taxes, it will be possible to grant and pay the benefit to which the woman was entitled in April 2021.

After paying the contributions for the current month, the SAV notification can be sent later, on the 15th of the following month. However, it is important to note that until the SAV notification is submitted, the details of the contributions paid are not entered in the Register of Insured of the State Social Security and Beneficiaries of the State Social Security.

The sooner the SAV notification is presented, the sooner the data of the contributions paid will be entered in the registry and the person will be considered insured. Therefore, it is recommended to send the SEA notification without delay after payment of contributions.

The contributions for the same month in which the right arises can only be paid by the self-employed who have not contributed the previous month because they are temporarily unable to work or receive sickness, professional rehabilitation, maternity, paternity or childcare benefits during the period. Previous period. month, or the right to the benefit occurred in the same calendar month in which they began their activity.

The second story is Simonas, 41, design designer. The man plans to start self-employment on April 6. Let’s say you are entitled to sickness benefit on April 23. Simon will be considered insured if the state social security contribution is paid and the SAV report is filed for 2021. In April.

The third story is Gabrielė, 35, photographer. He started individual activities in 2020. October 12 For example, Gabriel will receive a disability certificate in 2021. April 6 and the SSD contribution of the previous month, that is, 2021. March, will not be charged, because in the period of 03/15 / 2021 to 03/24/2021 the woman had issued a certificate of incapacity for work. To receive the benefit, you must pay the SSD contribution and submit the SAV notification for 2021. In April.

The fourth story is Tom, 50, a dental technician. He has been self-employed since 2020. July. If the certificate of incapacity for work is issued in 2021. April 15, but the SSD contribution of the previous month, that is, 2021. will not be paid in March, in which case Tom will not be entitled to sickness benefit from 2021 April 15 Sickness benefit will only be available if Tom has until May 1, 2022. STI will report his insured income and pay SSD contributions for 2021.

Fifth story – Rimante, 35 years old, organizer of the event. Rimante operates independently since the beginning of 2020. As of May 1 of this year. You will be entitled to maternity benefit. Suppose April 15. Until April 30. you will be issued a certificate of disability. For a woman to be entitled to maternity benefit, the SSD contribution must be paid and the March SAV notification must be submitted.

If the beneficiary acquires the right to a new sickness benefit without interruption the day after the previous benefit for sickness, vocational rehabilitation, maternity, paternity or childcare has ended, then it is important that the contribution is paid in order to receive the benefit. previously. granted.

The resident himself decides how many contributions to pay each month. You can choose whether to pay contributions, for example from 1 MMA, or from the income you actually receive per month.

If contributions are paid from the amount of 1 MMA – 1 month of experience in social security. If the contributions are paid with an amount higher or lower than the MMA, the seniority is considered to be proportionally higher or lower.

If actual income is higher or lower than that for which contributions were paid, it will be adjusted when filing the annual income statement and benefits will be recalculated accordingly.

In all cases, to receive benefits, a self-employed person must have completed the required period of social security.

To receive sickness benefit, a self-employed person, like other insured persons, must have at least 3 months of sickness insurance in the last 12 months or at least 6 months in the last 24 months before the start date of the temporary disability. for work.

Meanwhile, to receive maternity, paternity and childcare benefits, the beneficiary must have completed at least 12 months of maternity social insurance in the last 24 months.
