Social Democrats are dismayed by the government’s goals: “hunger for ideas”


The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) faction in the Seimas discussed the government’s work plan on Tuesday.

The government has announced a draft work plan for the period. It will update and complement the 2021-2030 national progress plan.

These documents will form the basis for planning for 2022. a draft state budget, which should provide funding for major changes and reforms.

Goals that have already been met have been set

Commenting on the plan to implement the government’s program, Social Democrat Julius Sabatauskas states that “the government is plagued with a hunger for ideas.”

“From the plan, we see that the government lacks the ambition, ideas and capacity to set priorities that address the fundamental problems of the country and its people.

Summing up the plan of measures drawn up, it is possible to smell a certain smell of the past, since this plan of measures was probably taken from the dusty measures of the 2008-2012 legislature, ”the deputy of Seimas ironized.

J. Sabatauskas says that he realizes that the objectives set in the plan are already set.

“In the program, we can accept measures such as ‘establishing an Innovation Agency’, which already exists and operates in this way. The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, Business Lithuania, Invest in Lithuania, etc.”, said J. Sabatauskas .

Julius Sabatauskas

Furthermore, as J. Sabatauskas has said, he is concerned that the Government has assigned only two points in the execution plan of the program for the fight against corruption, and the ambition to facilitate the importation of labor from third countries.

Finally, the desire of those in power to privatize public services and state enterprises also seems particularly threatening. The action plan is certainly not without references to privatization.

However, this is probably more evident in the section on economics and innovation, where it is written in black and white that public companies that pose a threat in competition with private companies must be privatized or their shares sold on the stock market. It is obvious that these types of proposals weaken the State and strengthen private companies ”, feared J. Sabatauskas.

He accuses the Government of indifference

At the time, Algirdas Sys, the largest of the LSDP faction, wonders why most of the bills proposed by the Government have not yet been registered, despite the fact that the spring session of the Seimas begins on March 10. .

“I have not seen so many unregistered bills at the beginning of the session. Secondly, most of the registered bills are the old government bills. So I conclude, maybe these are the results of teleworking? Is it the Government and its team, is it their inaction or their indifference? ”asked a member of the Seimas rhetorically.

Algirdas Sysas

Furthermore, Mr. Sys lacks the financial means available to the Government to achieve his objectives.

“Looking specifically at the implementation plans, a strong financial capacity is needed to implement them. It is better not to talk about tax laws, because nothing is seen, at least in this spring session,” A. Sysas was surprised.

The government program implementation plan will be approved on March 10.
