Social Democratic promises: VAT relief for food and help for young families


“We are on a dangerous path, we are trying to create a welfare state from borrowed funds.” Nowhere has the welfare state been created out of benefits, so the main theme of our program is universal employment, job creation.

There is life in those towns where there is an employer, where there is work. Where medical services, schools, culture are maintained, there is a community, ”said G. Paluckas at the LSDP Council meeting.

(40 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Presentation of the electoral program LSDP Seimas

Four goals

In its program, the LSDP says it is committed to achieving four goals. Among them, to inspire the cultural improvement of the country and restore the future for all Lithuanian children and the prospect for adults after the reorganization of education.

It also promises to create a welfare state based on solidarity taxes, promoting entrepreneurship and technological progress, adequate income protection, and efficient health care.

The intention is to implement a new green agreement that connects urban and rural areas, business and nature.

It also promises to empower society in a fortified state that is secure and open to international cooperation.

State budget

It is planned to increase budget revenues through the tax system to 35% by 2024. GDP (now 30.5% of GDP, compared to the EU average of 40.3% of GDP).

“We have allies. President Gitan Nauseda, one of the key ideas that occurred to him is to achieve at least a 35% redistribution through the tax system of GDP. We support this objective in our program and we will do everything possible to make it a reality” said Liutauras Gudžinskas, political scientist and candidate for the preparation of the program for the LSDP.

It promises to increase the progressivity of the tax system and expand it further by taxing capital and wealth more.

Promising reduced VAT rate for food: up to 12%. (EU average 12.5%)

It also promises harmonization of tax policy at the EU level, including taxation of large digital companies, financial transactions, CO2.

It is intended to introduce environmental taxes.

Speaking on who will allocate the additional funds raised in the budget, L. Gudžinskas stated that they will be allocated to culture, education, health care, social security and settlement of the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis.

Presentation of the LSDP Seimas election program (photo by Justinas Auškelis / Photo Day)


In the field of education, it is planned to pay more attention to preschool and primary education and to abolish the privileges of private schools.

Its goal is to strengthen children’s digital social, environmental, and technological skills.

More investment in research is promised.

There are also plans to increase student incentive scholarships, but abolish study baskets.

Health protection

In the field of health, national preventive and epidemiological mortality programs are planned.

Mental health, protection of reproductive rights, investment in child health is promised. There are also plans to reduce queues for doctors, ensuring quick access to GPs and specialists.

Its goal is to implement changes in drug policy: abolish premiums for reimbursable drugs for older people, to increase the availability of drugs.

Presentation of the LSDP Seimas election program (photo by Justinas Auškelis / Photo Day)

Social Security

In the field of social security, it is planned to increase the income replacement rate for pensions and finance the second pillar of pensions only with private contributions. It is also planned to introduce a universal pension.

It is planned to expand social services, guarantee safe working conditions, increase wages, introduce a four-day week for social workers and a fifth week to work for professional development.

It promises to reduce the gender gap, reduce gender violence.

It is also planned to support young families and take care of children’s well-being, such as children’s money, help them prepare for school, provide free meals, and apply tax breaks.

The list will be chaired by Paluck

The LSDP council has already approved the party’s candidate list, led by LSDP President G. Paluckas.

Among the top ten are Rasa Budbergytė, the old woman from the Seimas faction, Orinta Leiputė, a former MP, Romas Lazutka, economist, Julius Sabatauskas, Dovilė Šakalienė, Raminta Popovienė and Algirdas Sysas, members of Seimas, and Linas Jonauskas, an environmentalist.

Economist Vaidas Navickas, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Saulius Čaplinskas, journalist and writer Giedrius Drukteinis, world cycling champion Simona Krupeckaitė, psychologist Andrius Kaluginas, political scientist L. Gudžinskas, former candidate for Lithuanian television are also candidates for the social democrats.

The Seimas elections will be held on October 11.
