“So that a blog can condemn anyone”


Not only the mother of 7 children, who was on the bench, but also her lawyer, the prosecutor supporting the accusation, spoke during the hearing.

In this process, the scales were forwarded to E. Geležiūnienė, who was prosecuted, and to the law enforcement department: the Kaunas District Court acquitted her, but the Kaunas Regional College of Judges, which examined the complaint from the prosecutors, accepted an unfavorable verdict. .

In December 2020, the Kaunas Regional Court ruled that E. Geležiūnienė abused her rights and duties as a mother by cruelly treating a child.

Mother: relying only on the guardian’s journal

“It relied solely on the guardian’s diary, on the basis of which the findings of the expert examination were prepared. The child was neglected and abandoned,” E. Geležiūnienė told the news portal after the Supreme Court hearing.

According to the mother, the diary is biased and unsubstantiated, and incorrectly assessed by the Kaunas Regional Court.

“Consequently, according to someone’s diary, anyone can be convicted”, E. Geležiūnienė did not hide his irony.

He saw systematic violence

In the opinion of the Kaunas district judges, the fact that a minor has suffered psychological and physical violence by his mother is indirectly confirmed by the testimony of the temporary guardian and his diary on the behavior of the child during the guardianship, as well as by the conclusions and testimonies of the specialists. .

The Kaunas Regional Court noted that E. Geležiūnienė applied inadequate penalties, used violence and did so in a systematic way, as a result of which the emotional state of the child gradually eroded.

The panel of judges noted that the child became aggressive and irritable when he heard swear words at home and began to use them himself, but could not express his thoughts clearly, could not distinguish colors, animals, could not handle cutlery, could not make contact with other children, often aggressive, and as punishment for such behavior he was asked to beat him, confirming that the mother did not pay enough attention to the development of the child, did not take care of his needs, development and health, not not creating a safe and warm home environment.

According to the court, these conclusions were presented unanimously and in detail by all the specialists.

Disrupted the child’s health

Psychiatric and psychological examination is also considered an important test, in which a minor health disorder has been established for a minor, which has a direct causal connection due to the actions of E. Geležiūnienė: lack of maternity skills, his bad conduct.

According to the decision of the Kaunas Regional Court, the Kaunas citizen was sentenced to 1 year of probation; You will not be in prison if you do not commit a new crime during the same period.

The large mother was also required to participate in a behavior correction program for half a year to raise and care for her offspring. You will also raise a child who has been abused.

A case was brought against E. Geležiūnienė when her son was taken to kindergarten in October 2017 with abundant blueberries on his body. But under this episode, the woman was acquitted.

After seeing the child’s body in blueberries in kindergarten, the police and the child rights protection service were immediately notified.

The minor was initially hospitalized and later transferred to temporary custody. He was returned to his mother more than a year later.

Although the mother’s fault was due to the bruising of the bruises, it was not possible to prove systematic violence during the family history, according to the Kaunas Regional Court.

The mother fell in love with the patrons of criticism.

E. Geležiūnienė, who denied his guilt, expressed various suspicions regarding the child’s temporary guardian, where he was placed.

The woman and her partner drew the court’s attention to the fact that around 20 bruises had been found on her body while the child was with the guardian.

The mother also provided an audio recording of the boy’s story that the caregiver bandaged his hands and feet with duct tape.

According to E. Geležiūnienė, the investigation into the guardian has not started.

“In court, the specialists for the protection of the rights of the child stated that after the kidnapping I was not interested in the child, I did not call for him, although many of my calls to the hospital, to the police, the same rights of the child were recorded “explained the mother.

In addition to partners and guardians of the rights of the child, the testimony was given by a doctor who examined the child, a specialist in the protection of the rights of the child and a former temporary guardian of the child, whose words had a significant impact. on the officers in the compilation of the charges.

The guardian’s diary was also consulted in court, alleging that the boy had been abused by his mother.

Where do bruises come from?

During the pre-trial investigation, the boy was separated from his mother and remained with temporary guardians for more than a year. It was returned to E. Geležiūnienė in December 2018.

The mother claims that there was no violence and that the forced relocation of the baby caused great stress to him and the entire family.

During the investigation, the boy said he was beaten by his mother’s cousin John, but after a while the pre-trial investigation against the latter was terminated after the mother made the complaints.

E. Geležiūnienė stated that she did not know how the bruises appeared: a moving child could catch her playing and climbing trees in the yard of her family property.

According to the mother, the girl denied both during the interview and during the psychological examination that she had experienced violence: “An unsuccessful attempt was made to persuade the son otherwise.”

According to the prosecutor R.Oželienė, at the beginning of the pre-trial investigation, the mother admitted that she had given the child corporal punishment, but then began to feel guilt.

E. Geležiūnienė agreed to verify with a lie detector, but the conclusions were unfavorable for her. Upon learning of this, the woman began to blame the compilers of the questionnaire.
