ŠMSM answers the most frequently asked questions about the 2020-2021 school year


How will the school year start?

The beginning of the school year does not change: in general education schools and vocational training institutions it begins on September 1. In higher education, too, except for freshmen. It is recommended that they start the school year from September 14. due to admission later this year. This date is confirmed by the secondary schools. However, since the epidemiological situation is changing rapidly, it is recommended to abandon mass events at the beginning of the academic period.

Education as of September 1. It will be carried out in the usual way: on the school premises, in accordance with the recommended safety conditions established in the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and the decisions of the Minister of Health.

Can the traditional celebration of September 1 be held at the school?

This year, it is recommended to abandon the mass celebration event on September 1, especially in large schools. The celebration can be organized in separate classes or groups of students at different times. If multiple classes are present at the same time, separate spaces must be provided for them to meet.

Abandoning tradition is recommended when twelfth graders accompany first graders to school.

If the school hosts multiple events on the same day, the seats or equipment used must be cleaned prior to each event.

Participants in the festival must observe a distance of 1 m in the open space and 2 m in the closed space. Teachers, parents of students should wear protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth: masks, respirators, etc.

Do students have to wear masks or other face protection at school?

Students do not need to wear nose and mouth protection during lessons. It is advisable to take them in corridors, other common spaces of the school, if social distance is not maintained it is difficult to control the flow of students.

Do teachers have to wear masks during lessons?

Elementary school teachers do not need to wear face shields. In grades 5-12, if it is possible to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between teacher and students, teachers can work without protective gear. However, during lessons, when teachers advise students, they move among the students: they must wear protection for the nose and mouth.

What are the basic principles to follow from September?

  • Manage student flows as much as possible to reduce student contacts.
  • Observe social distance: observe 2 m in closed spaces, 1 m in open spaces.
  • If such distances cannot be maintained, school personnel and parents should wear face protection.
  • Limit the sharing of teaching materials.
  • Ventilate, clean the premises, disinfect surfaces, wash and disinfect hands.

How to organize distance education in an emergency in a school that has not legalized distance education?

A school whose regulations (statutes) do not legalize distance education may provide distance education to students only in exceptional circumstances, such as when a quarantine, emergency, extreme event or event that endangers health and life is declared, such as extreme temperatures, fires, floods. , blizzard and so on.

Schools whose regulations (statutes) do not yet legalize distance education, taking into account the declared emergency situation, may follow the general study plans of the basic and secondary education study plans for the 2019-2020 and 2020- 2021.two to make the decision to have part of the educational process implemented remotely: for students in grades 5-8, up to 10 percent of the time allotted for education during the school year, and for students in grades 9 to 10, I – IV, up to 30 percent.

Is it possible to form groups of different streams of students, such as ethics, to teach religion?


How, for example, will music schools, arts, extended-day groups attended by children from different classes work?

As far as possible, efforts should be made not to confuse children, increase their numbers and adhere to the principle of group isolation. When organizing events in open spaces, a distance of at least 1 meter must be maintained between participants.

Is it necessary to measure the temperature of students, their parents, staff as soon as they arrive at the educational institution?

No, temperature measurement is not required, this decision is canceled. However, both students and school personnel have an obligation not to go to school if they have a fever, cough, or other signs of upper respiratory infection.

Are students with chronic illnesses not at risk if they study in the usual way?

Pupils after an acute period of illness, an exacerbation of the illness, as well as pupils with chronic illnesses who need a safe environment, can see their family doctor. If the medical advisory board decides that they can study at home, the parents of the students apply to the school principal for distance learning.

What happens if a teacher, student is diagnosed with COVID-19?

If a child or pupil develops a fever (37.3 ° C or higher) or signs of acute upper respiratory disease or other infectious diseases (e.g. runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing, etc.) at school, they should be isolated and inform yourself immediately. parents.

An employee who develops a fever or signs of acute upper respiratory illness during work should immediately leave the educational institution premises and consult the hotline tel. 1808 or contact your GP.

If a school receives information from a staff member, a student or their parents about a COVID-19 disease, he or she immediately informs the National Center of Public Health of the Ministry of Health to identify those exposed and subject to 14 days of isolation.

People who must be isolated cannot enter the educational institution during the isolation period. They can learn and work remotely.

What action will be taken if a COVID-19 chimney appears in a school?

If a case of coronavirus is detected in a school, the case will be investigated by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). After identifying exposed individuals, the NVSC can assign 14 days of isolation to one or more classes. If schools follow all recommendations to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it is highly unlikely that the entire school will close.

The telecommuting plan would not apply to the entire school, but only to students in isolation. With distance learning, both video lessons can be arranged synchronously and learning independently according to tasks provided by teachers (asynchronously).

Why is there a diversity of digital content and why should schools and teachers make their own decisions?

For more than five years, general education schools have been using digital teaching / learning tools for teaching (learning) and assessment. Both national educational institutions and private publishers are developing digital teaching aids.

Lithuanian schools have access to both national and international market learning tools. There is no centralized state curriculum material, nor is there a single, unified set of textbooks; teachers can choose from a list of approved textbooks. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport cannot tell a school which teaching aids to use: the provision of teaching aids to schools is decentralized.

It is important to ensure a variety of learning methods and tools in the learning process to achieve educational goals. Distance learning is not a reason to completely abandon traditional learning tools, such as textbooks. And the role of the teacher in the educational process cannot be changed by any digital means. According to the Education Law, a teacher can offer her individual programs, choose the methods and forms of pedagogical activity. Therefore, we cannot restrict this right to the provision of unified digital learning content.

Currently, teachers and students have access to systematic information from the National Education Agency on the digital teaching tools developed and used.

Digital teaching aids developed by private publishers are expensive, so it was decided that by using the funds from the Lithuanian Future Economy DNA Plan for the needs of each student, providing digital content or computer equipment, the school will be able to use them until 2021. December 31 allocate an additional 40 euros. Of these, no more than 30 percent may be used to purchase information and communications technology equipment. The school, taking into account the specificities of the different subjects, the age of the students, the learning objectives, will be able to decide what and how many digital learning tools they need.
