Small towns solve the shortage of specialists, as you know: they offer up to 60 thousand. euros


Two family doctors have already agreed to radically change their lives and affirm that not even money was an essential condition to decide to move life to the New Stone.

The family doctor Ginta started working at the Naujoji Akmenė Polyclinic. The woman was born and raised in this city, but after her studies she worked in another district of Lithuania. So, hearing such a proposal, he put everyone for and against for a long time. Come back persuaded and mom.

“My daughter asked, the reaction was at first – maybe not, but then eventually she asks me: Mom, will I be able to go to my grandmother’s house every day?” Says family doctor Ginta Pupelytė.

The woman does not hide – the decision was determined not only by the desire to be closer to the family, but also by finances and working conditions: “That offer is very good for a young doctor who is homeless, maybe don’t want to work multiple jobs, want to work one job, your work time, the energy for that patient for each one. It was very good here. “

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PHOTO GALLERY. Small towns solve the shortage of specialists as you know: they offer up to 60 thousand euros

The Akmen distrito District Municipality has tried to invite specialists to its medical institutions before, but to no avail. With the establishment of a private health center, the problem of the shortage of doctors became especially acute as many outpatient doctors moved to work there. So I had to go to extremes and attract doctors with money. If a doctor acquires a property and declares a place of residence and agrees to work for five years, the municipality pays him 60 thousand euros.

Ingrida Sakalauskienė is another doctor who has decided to move from Vilnius and work at the Naujoji Akmenė Polyclinic.

“Some of my colleagues have tried to scare me where I am here, what town I go to, but I don’t really feel like I’m going to a town, just a smaller, more welcoming town, where ‘I’ll do the same job where I used to work,’ says the doctor. Ingrida family. Sakalauskiene.

The woman says that for those 60 thousand. The municipality will settle with the family in Naujoji Akmenė and plan to live longer than stipulated in the contract. House prices differ significantly from those of Vilnius residents. If only a two-room apartment in Vilnius goes for 60 thousand, then a house can be bought in Naujoji Akmen comprar.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The main lever was that subconscious feeling that I might have to change something in my life. To inspire new winds,” said I. Sakalauskienė.

The decision to allocate solid amounts to newcomers to settle has sparked a debate in the local medical community, but most colleagues, especially patients, welcomed the new GP.

“Well, I never forbade people to speak, but they didn’t really bring disagreements. Employment contracts were still being signed, and they had already registered in advance, the reception phone was constantly hot to red, when there will be doctors, give new doctors, ”says director Justinas Stašys.

In Akmenė district medical institutions, most of the doctors are over 55 years old and only a few younger ones work.

“I hear these slogans, you take care that the old ones stay with you, don’t take care of the new ones, and it is as if the older doctors began to express reproaches, but today I can say out loud: there is no doctor in the Akmen districtė earning less than 2,000. “says the mayor of Akmenė district, Vitalijus Mitrofanovas.

The mayor received several calls and interested medical letters, and not only from our country.

“I am very surprised to have Belarusian doctors foreigners, from Russia. And this shows once again that this niche is not used enough and seeing the shortage of specialists due to migration problems, the possibility of residing, we should definitely change something in Lithuania ”, says V. Mitrofanov.

Currently, the Akmen distrito district is still looking for three doctors: therapists and pediatricians.
