Skvernel’s criticism of the government program: many slogans, works seen somewhere


S. Skvernelis did not comment on the statements of President Gitanas Nausėda that the quarantine restrictions adopted by the Government are insufficient, and the Prime Minister himself showed a lack of respect.

“It just came to our notice then. And because of the austerity, it’s up to the new government to decide whether it wants to toughen something up, whether it is worth doing, or await the results of what will go into effect on Wednesday. Skvernelis to the journalists gathered at the Seimas.

According to the prime minister, his cabinet should no longer make new decisions on quarantine and coronavirus management.

“I’m afraid it’s all over,” smiled S. Skvernelis.

According to him, the quarantine restrictions will take effect on Wednesday and a new government is likely to be approved on Thursday. Speaking about Ingrida Šimonytė’s office, S. Skvernelis admitted that she had read the 18th Government program.

“Many slogans, the feeling of reading is that it was seen somewhere. And seen in a very simple way, because many of the provisions are in the program of the current interim government. <...> I think that somewhere there has been a change from strategic political directions to other very technical and not very ambitious, in the same field of energy.

I missed something fundamentally significant in terms of internal security, justice, national security, national defense. There is no new idea in foreign policy. The program is designed to be easy to implement, ”said S. Skvernelis.

According to the prime minister, for four years the current leaders have criticized his government, and now the program says “we will continue”, “we will implement” the work started by his cabinet.

“I’m glad there is continuity in the work, but it’s not his job,” Skvernel said.

S. Skvernelis said that he would not be hampered by the work of the new government and that he would not “step foot”, but, as an opposition, the peasants would not support I. Šimonytė’s cabinet.

Present the Government program

Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonyt the will present the 18th Government’s program to the Seimas on Tuesday.

“We have identified key priorities for our country’s progress that will help make a breakthrough, strengthen our country and its people, and make us more resilient to a variety of potential threats, be they health crises, climate change or other uncertainties,” the introduction says.

In its work, the new Government is committed to operating on the basis of the following principles: open data, accountability, discussion and solutions based on knowledge, cooperation, reconciliation of interests, reputation building and open communication.

The document establishes that the short-term priority for the Government will undoubtedly be the effective management of the COVID-19 situation, but for this a separate tactical action plan has been prepared, so the program does not mention the fight against infection.

The program begins with the government in the education sector, emphasizing equal opportunities for all.

To reduce the separation between city and district schools, it promises to establish a new generation of schools: “Millennium” gyms. “Teachers who demonstrate the highest educational results and the most talented graduates of pedagogical studies will be invited to work in these schools, all the necessary modern educational infrastructure will be found (STEAM laboratories, non-formal education system, universal design)”, he says the draft of the program.

Educators and researchers are promised ever-growing salary. For teachers, it should reach 130 percent by 2024. average salary, for academic staff, no less than 150 percent.

Furthermore, teachers are promised to demand a better education. “We will take the position that a general education teacher needs a long-term college education and master’s degree,” the document says.

The right wing is going to expand the Cultural Passport program introduced by the “peasants”, to strengthen the cultural centers. During the mandate, he undertakes to ensure that the salary of cultural and artistic employees is at least 90%. the average wage of the country.

It is planned to improve the situation of single pensioners: instead of widowhood pensions, it is desired to introduce pensions for single people of retirement age. Its size must be at least 11%. average old-age pensions (with time of service required) per month.

The government will aim to reduce the overall at-risk-of-poverty rate to 17% by 2024, currently at 20.6%.

The program establishes that a fund will be established to mobilize financial resources from the public and private sectors and invest in priority areas identified by the state. The fund would be financed with investments from the Government (Budget, Highway Administration, State-owned companies in the energy and transport sectors), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Bank Nordic Investment (SIB).

Within four years, it is planned to abolish all tax incentives for fossil fuels and phase out the use of coal and oil products in the heat sector.

“By promoting waste recycling and the use of secondary raw materials, transforming production and service business models, by 2024 we will create 10,000. The index of use of secondary raw materials in the country will reach the average of the European Union ”, the program reads.

I. The Šimonytė government plans to transfer the land use policy to the Ministry of the Environment and the functions of the National Land Service to self-government. Under the program, state lands in urban areas will be administered by the municipalities on a fiduciary basis.

It promises to cause a wave of renovations: 1,000 apartment buildings will be renovated each year.

According to the document, the area of ​​protected areas will grow to 20%, a quarter of which will be strictly protected. Commit to a national agreement on forest protection and use next year.

It is also stated that by 2024, all dogs and cats kept in Lithuania will be tagged.

Foreign policy focuses on helping and supporting all those who fight for freedom anywhere in the world.

The program promises to depoliticize the diplomatic service by eliminating the possibility for the minister to confer diplomatic ranks on uncompetitive individuals entering the Foreign Ministry.

“The classifications will be granted only by decision of the certification commission. It is necessary to depoliticize the attestation commission,” says the document.

The program states that after four years, public confidence in the government should reach 35 percent, now it is 28 percent.

Once the government program has been presented to the Seimas, the parliamentary factions and committees will continue to debate it. They must present their findings within ten days.

The new Government receives the authority to act when the Seimas, by a majority vote of the Seimas members present at the session, approves its program and the new ministers are sworn in.

If the Seimas does not approve the newly formed government’s program twice in a row, the government must resign.
