Skvernelis: The situation can change dramatically


According to the Prime Minister, it is still possible to monitor the spread and outbreaks of the virus, so S. Skvernelis believes that local measures offered to municipalities by the Ministry of Health (SAM) and the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) they are still needed.

“Municipalities [reikia] not only to listen, but also to demonstrate concrete solutions. If we get to a situation where we see that the situation becomes untraceable and controlled at the national level, it will be necessary to translate those recommendations into resolutions and instructions from the Government, or into instructions from the operations manager, ”the Prime Minister told the journalists gathered at the Seimas.

On Wednesday, the NVSC presented recommendations to the Vilnius City Municipality on handling the coronavirus. According to the NVSC, although the total morbidity rate of COVID-19 in Vilnius is 100 thousand. population has 64.6 cases in the last 14 days, the situation is rapidly deteriorating.

The center offers to limit the activities of group sports training, dance, singing studies. According to the NVSC, the activities mentioned are those with the highest epidemiological risk, because outbreaks related to them have recently been registered in Vilnius county.

“If no action is taken, the situation could change drastically. I hope that the Municipality of Vilnius will show its leadership and listen to the recommendations made by the NVSC and take the necessary decisions,” said S. Skvernelis.

The prime minister said that bars and nightclubs are high-risk places, he said, as the examples show.

“When we have bars and clubs, when that fireplace and that sprout is not the first time. It is a pity that those recommendations were not taken into account. But again, this is a municipal decision. I think they should make decisions, “Skvernelis said.

According to him, when it comes to local measures, the municipalities themselves should turn to the government. According to S. Skvernelis, this is a great opportunity for municipalities to show how much they care about their inhabitants and how much they are capable of managing the situation effectively.

“We have not seen all municipalities succeed in doing this,” said S. Skvernelis.

According to him, the government can make decisions related to individual sectors, such as catering, without the need for self-government. This would then be applied at the national level.

“I really don’t want to scare you,” Skvernel added, assuring him that the government had no plans to do so yet.

S. Skvernelis said the situation has not changed because of vaccines: the government plans to sign a contract with all vaccine companies.

“I am optimistic and would like to have some safe product in December and January that can be used. We will see if that is the case,” said the Prime Minister.

Speaking about the quarantine in Raseiniai, S. Skvernelis pointed out that there are no preconditions to end the quarantine in this city before.

“I don’t see such assumptions,” said the prime minister.

However, according to him, if SAM proposes to advance the end of the quarantine in Raseiniai, the Government will consider it. The quarantine in Raseiniai should be valid until next Friday.
