Skvernelis spoke about a possible coalition: named who to go with


“Based on the initial results, this would be seen by the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union, the Social Democrats, the Labor Party, maybe something else happens.

I hope that our current coalition partners – the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign – the Union of Christian Families and the Social Democratic Labor Party are on the border, and it is not clear what will happen to “Freedom and Justice”, the Liberal Movement Coalition and the Party. of freedom.

“Victory is when you take first place. Seriously, I think it would be a victory if we had a center-left government and a majority in the Seimas after the elections,” said S. Skvernelis.

Doesn’t see himself with conservatives

According to the prime minister, he does not see himself in the ruling majority with the conservatives: “The party can freely decide in the Seimas faction where and what kind of coalition there will be, but I personally do not see myself in such a ruling majority.

As for the current leadership of the party, those leaders who are in the Seimas, they are not acceptable to me either as politicians or as people, ”said S. Skvernelis.

The parties are already waiting to speak with other parties.

When asked if anyone had already spoken to anyone about post-election cooperation, the prime minister said he was not with anyone other than current coalition partners.

“With no one but our current coalition partners. Others kept their distance, trying to make all kinds of stories and consensus with strange coalitions. I think it will be possible to talk to someone this morning, if someone perseveres. Or tomorrow.

It is possible that after those first results in the multinominal, we will see what it is in the second round, a center-left bloc can be formed, which will agree to cooperate in the second round and form a government as a bloc. It can be the other way around, “said S. Skvernelis.

According to him, the coalition partners would like the Lithuanian Polish electoral campaign, the Union of Christian Families and the LSDDP, to go beyond the electoral poster. S. Skvernel did not speculate on how many votes the peasants could get. Expect five or six games to move 5 percent. a barrier that is necessary to enter the Seimas.

It is not considered a favorite in the county.

The leader of the “Campesinos” list was also pleased with the high turnout and acknowledged that greater turnout in cities would benefit right-wing parties.

“I am satisfied with the high level of participation, knowing the conditions under which we are voting this year, and it is natural in cities that greater participation means that the right-wing parties will get more votes,” Skvernelis said.

He is a candidate in the Pilaitė-Karoliniškės district of the capital, which is one of the most active: according to the latest data, 52.76 percent voted here. voters.

S. Skvernel did not dare to speculate whether high activity would affect his personal results.

“One should not speculate now, knowing that the district boundaries have changed and there is more concentration in Pilaitė, it can be everything,” said S. Skvernelis.

Stating that he was not considered a favorite in his constituency, he named Eugenijus Gentvilas, a Liberal Movement candidate, Ieva Pakarklytė, a Freedom Party candidate, and Conservative-nominated Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė as his biggest competitors.

According to the prime minister, voter turnout may have also been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

“The results are probably not difficult to predict not only in Lithuania, because everyone votes in strange conditions and this determines participation. Those people who are afraid, have health problems, probably did not come, the youngest are more active, have less risk, but let’s not guess, there is little to wait ”, considered S. Skvernelis.

In 2016, S. Skvernelis celebrated his victory in the then single-member constituency of Karolinišk after the second round, with Kęstutis Masiulis, a conservative candidate, coming second.

Seimas Election Night at the Peasants’ Headquarters: Open Cards – with Šimonyte and Landsbergis on the way

Lithuanian political parties are awaiting the results of the elections. Some wait in restaurants, and the peasants wait at the office on Avenida Konstitucijos. Journalists from the portal visit the headquarters of the political parties. What are the moods and expectations of politicians?

Peasant leader Ramūnas Karbauskis said the mood was good, but due to the coronavirus crisis, only a few party members had gathered. On the night of the elections, the peasants of the headquarters did not break and the tables were set, only some sweets and soft drinks were seen.

“We invited single members, people from our communication group. We thought of the least we would be so that there would be less risk,” said R. Karbauskis.

“The mood is good because we were scared of these elections. They happen during a coronavirus crisis. We did not have such an election. The numbers I see so far, 47 percent. And it will increase. This is a good activity. I hope that the people have chosen the right power and we’ll see what it will be in a few hours.

We would very much like to form a ruling majority in the next 13 Seimas terms. Will we have enough votes? We’ll see it after the second lap, because after the first lap nothing will be clear now, “said R. Karbauskis.

R. Karbauskis had a hard time predicting whether his single-member members would win after the first round, just with Rima Baškienė’s last name: “We had a lot of single-member members; it will be a test for them.”

Ramūnas Karbauskis (photo by K. Polubinska)

He spoke of the coalition: with Šimonyte and Landsbergis I cannot imagine

R. Karbauskis said that after the first round it was too early to form a coalition. When asked if there were parties with which he would not join the coalition after the elections, R. Karbauskis said he could not point to them, but later named the Conservatives.

“I know the words of S. Skvernel that he does not think the coalition should work with the conservatives. With those conservatives led by Šimonytė and Gabrielius Landsbergis, it would probably be difficult to hope to go. But if the Christian Democrats are going to dominate there after ranking, it may be different, “said R. Karbauskis.

The Social Democrats said they would have to apologize after the elections, journalists asked if they planned to do so: “If they support our candidates in the second round of the elections, where we will fight against the conservatives, if there is, they will not. “

According to him, in the second round, where the Social Democrats will fight with the Conservatives or the Liberals, he promises to support the Social Democrats: “We will do the same for everyone and with all the other parties that may be in the center-left coalition. We demanded of them, we asked them to tell us how they would do it. But speaking of the fact that the center-left ura is their mission, they still haven’t said that. As far as we know, his promises are to support the right. “

According to the peasant guide, the center-left coalition could also include the Labor Party, Freedom and Justice, and the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign, the Union of Christian Families.

R. Karbauskis says that he does not believe that greater electoral participation in cities than in rural areas could affect the results of his party.

“It just came to our notice then. I think the situation has changed a bit since 2016 and now there should be a greater distribution in the cities between the Vilnius and Kaunas parties,” said R. Karbauskis.

“In rural municipalities, it will probably be a little different, liberal parties are less likely to get votes, but we will see what to guess now,” he added.

The peasant leader also said that he does not believe that voter turnout was affected by the rains on Sunday.

“The activity is really high, considering all the circumstances. Of course, dargana could have determined the percentage of people, but 37% or 38% of how many of them will be there is a very good result ”, said the” campesino “leader.

Ramūnas Karbauskis (photo by K. Polubinska)

The peasant magician said that during the coronavirus pandemic, the most important thing for them was to protect people. How this may have affected the elections, he said, was difficult to say, but he admitted that he was more visible than other parties.

Seimas elections are the main events

Regular Seimas elections will be held in Lithuania this Sunday: Lithuanian citizens will elect the 13th Seimas, but after the restoration of independence, these will be the eighth ordinary elections.

The numbering of the Seimas is calculated from the first half of the last century, the Seimas I – IV that operated in 1920-1940, the Seimas Constituents that operated in 1920-1922 are not counted. The Supreme Restorative Council of the Seimas, which restored its independence, functioned in 1990–1992.

Turnout. Voter lists approved by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) contain 2 million. 449 thousand 683 citizens with the right to vote. Four years ago, there were 2 million on the electoral roll. 504 thousand 267 voters, in the 2012 Seimas elections, 2 million voters had the right to vote. 442 thousand 587 voters.

Counties. In the Seimas elections, 141 parliamentarians are elected for a period of four years: 70, according to lists, and 71, in single-member electoral districts. In these elections, for the first time, a separate constituency for foreign Lithuanians – Lithuanians of the world was formed, taking into account the large number of voters who participated abroad during the last elections.

Candidates A total of 1,754 candidates nominated by the parties and nominated independently participate in the elections, 1,170 or 66.7 percent. men and 584 or 33.3 percent. woman. Compared to the 2016 elections, 339 more people are running for Seimas; Four years ago, the CEC had registered 1,416 candidates.

Portrait. The CEC produced a statistical portrait of the candidate, a fifty-year-old man with higher education named Vytautas, whose assets, values ​​and funds amount to almost 147,000. euros.

A lot. 17 parties were nominated to the Seimas and no coalition was formed. During the 2016 elections, 12 parties and two coalitions raised the lists of candidates in the electoral district, of which six parties entered the Seimas.

The poster. In a multi-member constituency, seats are won by parties that have raised at least 5 percent. the votes of the voters who participated in the elections. For party coalitions, the cartel amounts to 7 percent. of the votes of all voters present.

Second round. The second round of the parliamentary elections will take place on October 25. In it, the two candidates with the most votes in the first round will compete in single-member constituencies. A candidate wins already in the first round if at least 40% of the candidates participated in the election. the voters of that constituency and the candidate obtained more than 50% of the votes or less than 40%. received at least one-fifth of the votes of all voters in that constituency. During the 2016 elections to the Seimas, three politicians were elected during the first round.

Piesaika. The mandate of the members of the Seimas will begin to run from the day that the newly elected Seimas meets for the first session. An elected member of the Seimas acquires his powers after an oath. The first session of the new Seimas usually takes place in mid-November.
