Skvernelis spared no criticism: the president must know the kitchen of the Seimas, he heard it first hand


“We really talk about the fact that there are no more bills, looking at the government agendas, we see those cosmetic changes again. These are the reforms that have been promised, changes after changes, they do not occur or occur in a very strange way, when a low-quality bill appears in the Seimas ”, said S. Skvernelis at a press conference held in the presidency .

“The government and the Seimas must do their job. It cannot be disguised that there are some requirements for quality issues or that everything is overshadowed by the management of a pandemic situation. The work of every day does not stop,” he added.

According to the opposition leader, during the meeting with the president the behavior of the rulers towards the opposition was also discussed, which, according to him, poses certain problems.

“We see violations of the articles of the Statute of the Seimas, as well as several votes, when the votes do not correspond to the wishes of the ruling, and other things. Even due to the same current work of the Seimas during the quarantine period, we also see various problems, where very often it seems that it is done artificially to make it as difficult as possible for the opposition to represent their interests, ”said S. Skvernelis. .

“I believe that the president should also know and hear first-hand the cuisine of the Seimas,” he also emphasized.

According to Skvernel, it is still difficult to assess his relationship with the president as leader of the opposition.

“It was the first meeting, until now it would be difficult to say what that relationship is. It was a business meeting, hard-working and pragmatic, ”said the politician.

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