Skvernelis is surprised by Šimonytė’s desire to take over as COO


“The prime minister has to make strategic decisions, not perform very specific technical functions. The operations manager performs technical functions, “S. Skvernelis told reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday.

According to him, formally the law allows those duties to be carried out by the prime minister.

What are the responsibilities and functions of the operations manager? Ask Aurelius Veryga. If the Prime Minister has the opportunity to approve a few dozen statutes, especially in the field of health, which happens every day, we will get to the eleventh or twelfth night, I can’t imagine … ”, said the Prime Minister .

The Minister of Health now holds the position of Head of State Operations in a state of emergency. Its decisions regulate both COVID-19 testing and treatment, establish safety requirements, etc.

According to S. Skvernelis, the Government Law stipulates that committees and commissions can be established for the Prime Minister and the Government to implement separate specific tasks, thus the COVID-19 Steering Committee was established. It is he who makes the strategic decisions.

The candidate for the post of Prime Minister I. Šimonytė has repeatedly mentioned that the management of the COVID-19 crisis in the country must be taken over by the Head of Government when a new government takes office.

“Now, one of the biggest problems is that there are two centers of power: there is a health minister, there is a prime minister. Sometimes one of them is a good policeman, the other is bad ”, said the candidate for the position of prime minister.

“Sometimes different information comes from two sources, I don’t think it builds trust in society and it’s not good in a situation like that,” he said.

According to I. Šimonytė, in addition, a group of experts is needed to help the Government.

The mandate was “successful enough”

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis claims that the four years of “peasant” rule were quite successful. According to the head of government, important decisions have been made to reduce social exclusion and tax reforms.

However, S. Skvernelis points out that the job was not easy for the rulers: it constantly balanced itself on the edge of the majority.

“I think the work was successful enough, a lot of things were done. (…) Especially when it comes to social policy, reduction of exclusion and necessary reforms, taxes and others, ”S. Skvernelis told reporters in the Seimas on Tuesday.

According to the outgoing head of government, the new ruling coalition will also have no difficulties in making decisions.

“It just came to our attention then. As always, we wanted more, but let’s not forget that those four years were” on the edge of the majority “- we often did not have a majority in individual sessions. This situation, unfortunately, extends into the next term. There will be a fragile majority and decisions will be difficult for the ruling majority to make, ”said the prime minister.

S. Skvernel also pointed out that it would be worthwhile to move some state institutions to the regions. The “peasants” did not, although they followed the idea of ​​moving the Ministry of Agriculture to Kaunas.

“I think this is the right direction. I hope that, at least with regard to the implementation of regional policy, that direction is followed. All institutions, especially those that can now be without problems in other cities and regions of the country They should not focus on the capital. But this was not the issue that would fundamentally solve our quality of life problems, “said S. Skvernelis.

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