Skuodis: Lithuania supports Poland’s aspiration to include the Via Carpathia route in the trans-European transport network


This would help to better develop infrastructure and open up new opportunities for growth of transport flows, said Lithuanian Transport Minister Marius Skuodis, who participated in the remote conference of the Polish Seimas “Carpathian Europe” on Saturday.

It is important for Lithuania and other countries in the Baltic Sea region, both economically and in terms of connectivity, to have a sufficiently developed TEN-T network, namely the Via Baltica and Rail Baltica routes. These are the main transport connections that will allow easier and faster access for both passengers and cargo to Lithuania from Western or Southern Europe, as well as creating more favorable conditions to promote exports to other EU or world countries.

A key part of the TEN-T North Sea-Baltic Sea Corridor is the Rail Baltica project, which ensures interoperability with other trans-European transport corridors and other modes of transport.

The different standard rail networks in the EU and Lithuania are one of the main obstacles to the smooth and efficient operation of international rail transport services in Europe. The construction of the entire Rail Baltica railway line, which connects Western Europe via Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and continues to Tallinn and possibly Helsinki in the future, will create a completely different level of connection, providing the Baltic States with new development. economic. opportunities, the Transport Ministry said in a statement.

“Our top priority is to implement the Rail Baltica project as soon as possible so that it begins to bring economic benefits to Lithuania and all Baltic countries,” emphasized Minister M. Skuodis in the remote conference session. “Lithuania’s ambition is to serve freight transport along this corridor together with its partners in Poland.”

2020 LTG Cargo Polska, established in late 2007, offered its customers the services of the Amber train intermodal train on the Šeštokai – Muga train route (Estonia).

“Via Carpathia”

© Ministry of Transport

“The Via Baltica road transport link is also an integral part of this corridor. We must do everything possible to accelerate the completion of the infrastructure of this connection so that this road fully meets the requirements of the TEN-T core network in both countries (Poland and Lithuania), ”Minister M. Skuodis said at the conference.

According to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Lithuania plans to implement significant changes in the tax policy of road transport. From 2023, it is planned to replace the road transport user charge by electronic tolls by the distance traveled. This will have a major impact on the entire transportation system.

With the construction of Rail Baltica and the entry into force of the long-distance road pricing system, the organization of the entire transport chain on the Via Baltica and Via Carpatia highways may change significantly. It will also be a great incentive to make road freight transport more environmentally friendly, and there will be an opportunity to redistribute flows between different transport sectors. As noted in the Ministry’s report, it is important to achieve the objectives of the EU Green Course and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector.

The TEN-T network is made up of a European network of high-quality roads, railways and inland waterways of cross-border importance, as well as major transport hubs (sea and airports, capitals and other major cities). This network includes the most important international road and rail connections in Lithuania: Rail Baltica, Via Baltica, Klaipeda / Kaliningrad – Kaunas – Vilnius – Lithuanian / Belarusian border, as well as the Klaipeda state sea port and Vilnius international airport.

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