Širinskienė was surprised by the president’s rhetoric: the rule of law cries


On Friday, G. Nausėda, commenting on the allegations made by the police to the Presidents of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK) and the Banking Association Valdas Sutkas and Mantas Zalatoris, said that the intensification of the activities of the Special Investigation Service (STT) is welcome.

“I appreciate the STT research, which of course must be completed and have a logical conclusion. Either the investigations are approved and the appropriate decisions are made, or people are acquitted if there really are reasons to justify them, “emphasized the President, noting that the public would learn more about the investigation.

“I can assure you that this is definitely not the end and that you will definitely see new solutions and new events in this area,” added G. Nausėda.
At the time, these phrases by the President seem suspicious and questionable to A. Širinskienė, who directs and controls the pre-trial investigation.

“Pre-trial investigations are generally controlled by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania. This is provided for in the Constitution, and politicians are not involved in this process in any way, depending on the legislation. Politicians shouldn’t even be aware of law enforcement actions, let alone announce them. Therefore, such statements by the Office of the President or the Presidency are, in fact, very surprising, as they suggest that politicians’ involvement in pre-trial investigations exists in some form. Otherwise, how could politicians announce that there will be more pre-trial investigative actions, “the politician told Eltai.

However, there are democratic procedures that all of us must follow. Yes, politicians should refrain from announcing the actions of the pre-trial investigation or take an interest in pre-trial investigations, where, in principle, interference with enforcement begins. law, the limits of its competence, “he said.
Nor does A. Širinskienė rule out the possibility that the President’s advisers do not inform the head of the country and do not clarify the legal norms.

“I see one thing that the President is certainly not a lawyer, and I realize that it is sometimes difficult to feel thin. But it still has a body of advisers. The function of the advisers to the president and the Foreign Ministry is to advise and warn about certain things, because, however, there should be nothing that the high officials follow, “said a member of LVŽS.

G. Nausėda’s position regarding S. Rudėnaitė is surprising

At the end of April, the President declared that he would resubmit to Seimas the rejected candidacies for judges of the Constitutional Court (CC) and presidents of the Supreme Court of Lithuania (SCL). At this time, A. Širinskienė draws attention to the fact that the President can no longer present the same nomination for SCL presidents without consulting the judge selection commission.

“I am also very surprised by the nomination of the president of the SCL. I really understand the procedure that existed until April, when S. Rudėnaitė was first nominated. It was then, yes, it was the only decision of the President and the legislation really provided for such However, the legal acts changed and in April a completely new procedure came into force that clarified the selection of the president of the SCL. It no longer depends on the individual decisions of one or the other politician, but from now on the selection should take place for the president of the SCL. As of April 1, the president of the court must be selected by a selection committee, which is established as a judicial law and provides for it. Selection for the office of President of the SCL is not even announced at this time, there are no registered candidates, the selection is not taking place, but for some reason the Office of the President talks about a specific person through of advisers and that S. Rudėnaitė will be nominated a second time. These things, in my opinion, certainly should not be typical of a state governed by the rule of law, “he told Eltai.

According to her, the impression is that the president is not aware of the new selection procedures, nor does his advisers tell him.

“However, I believe that advisers no longer perform many of their functions. And the example of S. Rudėnaitė shows that the president does not know that a selection should be made, and the advisers do not tell him. It is really difficult to follow the legislation, “he said.

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