Singer Erika Škudzinskienė was found dead: the circumstances of her death were made clear


According to them, it is believed that the cause of the woman’s death was probably due to alcohol consumption in liver cirrhosis, which was diagnosed last year.

“She was completely banned from drinking alcohol. An autopsy will be carried out on Tuesday and it will be determined exactly who died,” a person close to the singer told Delfi.

Erika’s body was found in the apartment of a neighbor who lived in the same house. No signs of violence were found. The artists were 54 years old.

According to close sources, it has not been easy for the woman for a long time, but her friends have recently drifted away from her and have not tried to help her.

Well, and in August of last year, the court divorced his Tom Škudzinskas.

Earlier, her friend and colleague Aidas Manikas told Delfi that her ex-husband Tom had informed her of Erika’s death this morning.

“Mudu and Erika haven’t spoken in five years, but we were colleagues. In 2015, when they both married Tom, they asked me to witness the wedding. I agreed. She seemed dressed, happy. And lately, from what I’ve Listened to, she has often been sad and difficult to recognize because she had problems with intoxicants.The last months of her life, according to her friends, were not easy for her.

I express my condolences to your daughter and husband. She has not found peace on earth lately, so I wish to wish her soul to find peace in heaven. Very unfortunate man. It’s just her business how she behaved. She really had a lot of fans in the past, her albums were very popular, people loved her. And then life apparently turned in another direction, “said A. Manikas.

2016 In October, a popular pop artist suffered a serious injury in the past: in Kaunas Šilainiai district, she was hit by a car and then taken to Kaunas clinics, where her condition was found to be extremely serious.

The scandalous interpreter in the public space used to attract attention often with scandalous speeches and statements.

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