Since September 13. – Important news in Denmark: this country is abandoning other restrictions in addition to Passports of Opportunity


“First of all, I would like to clarify the numbers that you have, because I see that everyone tends to manipulate those numbers. However, before our interview, I checked what the situation is and now it is officially announced that 72% have been vaccinated in Denmark. populations.

The 90 percent you are talking about are only adults. Today, 825 people are infected, 134 people are in hospitals. However, in the current situation, the Ministry of Health considers that it is no longer a critical disease for society, so the restrictions should be lifted ”, he commented.

Therefore, all restrictions, including the Passport of Opportunity (GP), will be lifted as of September 13.

“Since yesterday all the discos have been opened, that is, the only place where a GP is still required. But no passports are needed in restaurants, cafes or hairdressers. The use of masks was maintained only in airports. “

He stressed that as of September 13. not only will there be no GP restrictions, but all other restrictions.

When asked what led society to get vaccinated so quickly, I. Merkytė said that the number of people vaccinated globally in Denmark is not that high.

“The number of vaccinated people is not much higher than in Lithuania. As I mentioned, 72 percent. Are vaccinated. But there were no such objections, there were no objections to universal vaccination. All those who did not want to, did not get vaccinated, and the they wanted, they had the opportunity to get vaccinated ”, commented the president of the community.

What should happen for the government to reintroduce the restrictions? According to I. Merkytė, at a press conference held last week, during which the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health and the head of the epidemic department were pleased with the good results when only 800-900 people are infected per day .

“The most important indicator he focuses on is the number of people who need medical help in hospitals. Currently, 134 people are treated in hospitals and it is estimated that this figure does not complicate the health system, so the disease is no longer treated as a critical disease for society, “he explained.

“I think there has been a psychological break when everyone has decided that well, we are going to get vaccinated, and then there are no other possibilities of blackmail, why should that society be considered constrained. “Everything just ‘vented’ very naturally, and all those requirements and limitations,” said I. Merkytė.
