Šimonytė will have a wish list for 632 million on the prime minister’s table. euros


On Wednesday, the committee completed consideration of the findings of the other Seimas committee drafts for the 2021 state budget and approved all of them.

“There are still proposals from the members of the Seimas, some of them overlap with the committees, which we have already approved.

I would suggest approving the proposals, and still the government will have to approve them, to review each proposal separately, ”Valius Ąžuolas, president of Seimas BFK, said at the session.

In addition to culture and safety

The Culture Committee approved proposals to allocate an additional 150 thousand LTL to the National Museum of Lithuania. 555 thousand euros for the Kaunas National Drama Theater. 63 thousand euros for the Council for the Protection of Ethnic Culture. euros.

The proposals of the member of the Seimas Juozas Varkalis to assign 500 Cerdocyon. 173 thousand euros to commemorate the year of Vytautas Mačernis. At the suggestion of Robertas Šarknickas, Alytus St. For the revision of the emergency building of the Ludwig Church: 242 thousand. 15 million euros for Ramūnas Karbauskis’ proposals to increase the salaries of cultural and art workers. 5 million euros for budgetary cultural and artistic institutions in the management areas of the Ministry of Culture. 1.4 million euros for the purchase of books and other documents in libraries and for the use of royalties for their use. € 50,000 and a proposal from Stasys Tumėnas for the creation and erection of a bronze monument to Theodor Grotus in Žeimelis Unity Square euros.

The National Defense and Security Committee has approved the proposal to allocate an additional 64,646 million euros to the Ministry of the Interior. euros. This amount had already been approved by the Seimas BFK, and the funds would be used for things like property acquisition, preparation for a possible accident at the Astrava nuclear power plant, salary increases, etc.

The proposal to allocate an additional 281 thousand LTL to the Special Investigation Service was also approved. 5,262 million euros for the Department of State Security. 1.28 million euros for the Financial Crimes Investigation Service. euros.

The Economic Committee approved the proposal to provide Public Procurement with an additional 357 thousand. euros.

The Labor and Social Affairs Commission approved the proposals to assign an additional 925 thousand LTL, 5.3 million LTL to Sodra. and 63.7 million. EUR for childcare benefits of a pupil or student, to offset the general part of the social security pension and for additional indexation of pensions.

The Education and Science Committee has endorsed proposals to provide € 27.7 million for inclusive education. 33 million euros to match the salaries of education support specialists with teachers. or 60 million. euros.

It was also agreed that 20 million would be earmarked for the maintenance of positions available for educational assistance to the student and pedagogical psychological assistance. 75 thousand euros for the Office of the Ombudsman for Ethics and Academic Procedures. 435 thousand euros for the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. 3.2 million euros for the Scientific Council of Lithuania. euros.

The proposals approved by the Seimas BFK on Monday can be found here.

Šimonytė will have a wish list for 632 million on the prime minister's table.  euros

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Money for patriots

Proposals submitted by the members of the Seimas before November 11 were also considered. Arvydas Nekrošius proposes to allocate 1.7 million LTL for the construction of a sports complex with a swimming pool near the sports school in the city of Raseiniai. euros.

Eugenijus Jovaiša proposes to the Lithuanian Cultural Research Institute to allocate 50 thousand. 17 thousand euros for the Office of the Ombudsman for Ethics and Academic Procedures. 4.75 million euros for the Vytautas Magnus University. euros

R. Karbauskis proposes to allocate 150 thousand LTL for the initiative of singing the “National Anthem”. euros.

Juozas Baublys proposes to allocate 950 thousand LTL for the renovation and insulation works of the buildings of the Var dena Hospital. 651 thousand euros for the renovation of the buildings of the primary care center in Varėna. 300,000 euros for the Varėna Ąžuolas gym. euros

V. Ąžuolas, Juozas Varžgalys, Viktoras Rinkevičius and Vida Ačienė offer 2.99 million. destined to the performance of the fire extinguishing function carried out by the municipalities.

Irena Šiaulienė, Dainius Kepenis, Simonas Gentvilas and Agnė Bilotaitė offer to allocate an additional 600,000 LTL to the University of Klaipėda. euros.

Irena Haase offers to allocate 42,245 euros for the repair of the gymnasium of the Kiduliai basic school in the Šakiai district.

Ričardas Juška proposes to allocate LTL 200 thousand to Pagėgiai primary school. euros.

Antanas Vinkus proposes to assign 484 Cerdocyon. euros.

Valentinas Bukauskas proposes to allocate 289,576.28 euros for the settlement of the emergency condition of the Debesnai botanical trail of the Varniai Regional Park Directorate, and 1,700,306.21 euros for the realization of the capital repairs of the Telšiai pool,

Rima Baškienė proposes to allocate 500 thousand LTL to the memorial complex to commemorate the victory of the Battle of the Sun. euros.

Algis Strelčiūnas proposes to allocate 1 million LTL for the improvement of the infrastructure of the city of Vilnius. euros.

Jonas Varkalys proposes to allocate 300 thousand LTL for the adaptation of the infrastructure of the Rietavas stud for tourism development. 2.5 million euros for the construction of a universal sports and health complex in Plungė. 300 thousand euros for the development of the social services infrastructure in the community of the Plungė district. 700 thousand euros for the adaptation of a building in Rietavas to social housing. 1.1 million euros for the renovation of the Rietavas Laurynas Ivinskis gym. 460 thousand euros for the repair of the Kuliai gym. 600 thousand euros for the installation of a covered soccer field in Plungė. euros

Kęstutis Bartkevičius and Valius Ąžuolas propose to allocate 3.2 million LTL for the construction works of the Mažeikiai Sports and Entertainment Center. euros.

Kęstutis Masiulis proposes not to allocate 515 thousand LTL for the reconstruction of the building complex of the Vilnius Palace of Sports and Concert in Vilnius. of the State Investment Program for 2021-2023.

Edmundas Pupinis proposes to allocate 700 thousand LTL for the establishment of the STEAM center in Utena. euros.

The new Seimas will continue

The Seimas BFK approved the proposals of the committees for 605.59 million. The total amount with the proposals of the individual members of the Seimas is 631.73 million euros. euros.

The budget proposal is scheduled to be considered in the plenary session of the Seimas on November 24 and December 17 and approved shortly thereafter.

In 2021, it is planned to raise 11.38 billion in the state budget. 150 million euros of income. EUR or 1.26%. less than planned this year. The draft, approved by the government, says spending next year will be $ 15.49 billion. 271 million euros. EUR or 21.22%. more than planned this year.

The budget deficit in 2021 could reach 4.11 billion. and be equal to 5%. gross domestic product. In 2021, the government plans to borrow about 5.14 billion. euros. Public debt in 2021 should reach 50.2 percent. GDP.

If the government approves all of the Seimas proposals, the budget allocations would increase by 4.08%, and if no additional revenue is generated, the potential deficit would increase to LITL 4.74 billion. euros.

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