Šimonytė, who appeared before the Seimas court, sees two more important works for the new Government


I. Šimonytė is delegated to the prime minister by a center-right coalition made up of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party. They have a majority in the Seimas: 74 seats out of 141.

Expected changes

When asked by the Seimas member Kęstutis Masiulis which areas could have the most work after Government work, I. Šimonytė named the social field.

“If we talk about relative poverty as a big problem, we not only have the total number, but also the individual groups in society where those rates are significantly worse than average. <...>

We would think of services that would allow people to come back to life, earn income, and be full members of society. This is where the politics are: the choice between the state of care and the state of well-being as I understand it, ”said I. Šimonytė.

When asked by Seimas member Vytautas Mitalas if he supports the elimination of some state institutions from the city center, I. Šimonytė assured that, as a result, discussions will arise. However, according to her, it is much more important to ensure that institutions provide better quality electronic services.

“I am very hopeful that we can move in the direction that the most important thing is not to physically ‘park’ one or another institution, but to bring as many services as possible to the electronic space so that the place of the institutions is as important as possible for consumers, “suggested the candidate.

When asked how he intends to guarantee the vision of the welfare state, I. Šimonytė said he did not want to make promises.

“I will be careful in this place. Because we have not agreed on any specific solution that I can name. One thing that I think is clear is that it is clear that welfare states are opening more because people feel that the return of what they pay is more or less fair.

It was a big problem now that we promise a lot, and when the question arises who will pay the bill, there is no one to answer that question, ”said I. Šimonytė.

I. Šimonytė is delegated to the prime minister by a center-right coalition formed by the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party. They have a majority in the Seimas: 74 out of 141 seats.

The coalition is consulting on the leadership of the Seimas

I wouldn’t discuss just one topic

From the Seimas rostrum, I. Šimonytė thanked the Lithuanian people for the confidence expressed and the strength given to form the ruling coalition.

“The people of Lithuania, expressing their confidence in me personally, at the same time expressed their confidence that as little as possible would be said about themselves and others in politics. And that we speak as much as possible about who we are and what we want to be” said I. Šimonytė.

He said that he did not intend to waste time on unnecessary investigations, enemy searches, accusations of opponents.

“The way to solve problems, in the first place, in my opinion, is in openness, without fear of seeing what we see, without fear of admitting that we do not know or know everything, that we are not miracle workers that we can give to everyone and take nothing from us, we are wrong, “he said. I. Šimonytė.

She identifies only one topic as not debatable:

“This is a question of freedom and independence of Lithuania, a free world Lithuania. On other issues, I’m sure I can hear arguments and feel the emotion of others. “

There are two great challenges ahead

He recognized that the Lithuanian government is changing at a difficult time when it is necessary to manage the Covid-19 pandemic.

“A very large residual phenomenon of this pandemic will be the consequences for people’s mental health. This must be taken into account now, when it seems much more important to count the number of free beds and tubes.

He considers that the approval of the state budget is another challenge that awaits the Government.

“Today, my personal criteria for the success of those budgets would simply be the true and fair image that we are missing this year. Without conditional income and with great optimism, but also without last minute taxes, ”said I. Šimonytė.

The most important job is managing the pandemic.

On Thursday, President Gitanas Nausėda presented Ingrida Šimonytė’s candidacy for the post of Prime Minister to Seimas. The president of the Seimas court said that Lithuania had an urgent task to jointly manage the spread of the Covid-19 infection.

“We must work together to manage the negative effects of the pandemic on the health system and the economy, as well as on culture and other sectors most affected. This will be the first task of the new Government, “said G. Nausėda in the Seimas.

However, according to him, we must look to the future of Lithuania: constantly growing defense financing, active foreign policy, strengthening energy independence, respect for the principle of the rule of law.

“We must also fight for greater social justice, eliminate unfair tax benefits and reduce income inequality. The new government must pay due attention to creating a green Lithuania,” the president said.

He says he is convinced that I. Šimonytė sees the challenges facing the country and, together with the team, is ready to solve the problems.

Gypsy Naus Gda

How is the candidacy of the prime minister considered?

The Statute of the Seimas stipulates that the Seimas, having received the proposal of the President of the Republic regarding the candidacy of the Prime Minister, will provide the President with the opportunity to present the candidate at the next session.

No questions are asked of the President of the Republic after the presentation of the Prime Minister’s candidacy.

The candidate for the post of Prime Minister will have the floor to introduce himself, after which he will answer questions from the members of the Seimas.

After that presentation, the Prime Minister’s candidacy will be forwarded to the factions of the Seimas members for their consideration. Political groups have the right to invite you to their meetings and to ask you questions at the time agreed with the candidate. The appointment of the Prime Minister of a political group must be considered within a maximum period of two working days.

No later than one week after the presentation of the Prime Minister’s candidacy, another session of the Seimas shall be held to make a decision on the nomination presented. In this session, the conclusions of the political groups are heard first, starting with the largest group and ending with the smallest group.

Subsequently, a discussion takes place, at the end of which the candidate is given the floor, as well as the opportunity to respond again to the questions of the Seimas members.

When the applicant has finished answering the questions, a vote is taken to approve the candidacy presented by the Prime Minister.

In accordance with the Statute of the Seimas, the President of the Republic has the right to withdraw the candidacy presented at any time before the beginning of the vote on its approval.

The Prime Minister must present the Government formed by him and approved by the President of the Republic to the Seimas no later than within 15 days following his appointment and submit the program of this Government for consideration.
