Šimonytė: the best gift for Christmas is people’s lives


“We can all do more and we agree more on that today at the Government meeting. Also, let’s avoid all unnecessary contacts and trips, unnecessary movements. Let’s stay as a family, let’s welcome family vacations.

Of course, let’s take care of what we have to take care of. Family members who need help or other circumstances. However, when it is not necessary, it is not necessary. And the better, the more focused we are on adhering to those rules, the sooner the government can consider decisions that reduce or perhaps lift the strict restrictions altogether, ”I. Šimonytė said after the meeting.

He said the restrictions will not be eased for a few weeks in the near future unless the pandemic resumes.

According to the Prime Minister, and in the spring of this year there were restrictions to restrict the movement of the population. This is an organizational challenge, but other institutions, such as the police and the Riflemen’s Union, are supposed to be used to ensure its implementation. And the curfew was not taken by the Government, because it can only be introduced by the Seimas.

When will the situation improve?

I. Šimonytė did not guess when better disease outcomes could be expected, which would be determined by the latest adjustment.

“Here are the consequences of these diseases, well, where we probably have a whole week record, for the health system and possibly also for the death statistics, we will see that in a while.

Hopefully to see some special improvement in the statistics in the coming days or weeks, I think there is really no reason to do so, ”said the Prime Minister.

He added that only scientists can predict when decisions will change the dynamics of diseases.

The Prime Minister assured that the Government itself will work remotely for as long as necessary. However, Sunday’s hearing was not remote due to exceptional circumstances.

(70 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. At the first meeting of the Government – tightening of quarantine

“What do we expect? I can answer the question of where we have lost control. We lost control when the number of cases, new cases, began to exceed 200 cases. I am not saying that we can easily go back to 200 cases. Along the way, we will probably need to address other issues that are relevant to the work of the NVSC.

But there is also the prospect of vaccination, which is very important in this situation. It’s just a parallel effort to bring all processes to the same point, well, I think we’ll get back to the situation where we can say to ourselves yes, we can already administer other methods: testing, contact tracing, and vaccination, as well as groups. and high-risk doctors. first of all, ”said I. Šimonytė.

She confirmed that the current requirements for cars to be parked only 20 percent. The commercial zone will be canceled.

“Because they are business days, I think business days still presuppose a certain amount of employment for people with more than just going to grocery stores. And that shit I had to see somewhere this weekend will probably be hard to beat in the next two days.

That’s what I really want people to expect, well, to take seriously that the Government has had to make such decisions unnecessarily and in the remaining two days as far as there can be more people than usual, it just won’t go, protecting itself. themselves and their loved ones. “Expected the Prime Minister.

New restrictions will be introduced from Wednesday

From 2020 December 15 24 hours to 2021 January 3 24 hours In Lithuania, the departure of people outside the territory of the municipality of their place of residence is restricted, except in cases where the departure is due to close relatives, work or Necessary medical assistance, specified in a resolution adopted by the Government.

It also establishes that it will be prohibited to move inside or outside the municipality of residence for unnecessary reasons to leave the place of residence when going to work (for commercial purposes), the place of sale, except when going to work, the place of sale, the object real estate, property ownership, funerals, health care and other essential services.

“There is no safe place in Lithuania,” I. Šimonytė said during the meeting, adding that the best gift for Christmas is people’s lives.

Marriages and other celebrations, by resolution of the Government, will be possible if only members of a family or a household are present.

The decree also establishes that contacts between more than one family or one household will be generally prohibited.

Many stores will also be banned from Wednesday. This ban won’t just apply to grocery stores and online shopping.

The provision of contact services will also be prohibited. Hosting services will only be available in isolation. Unlike before, individual (not just general) leisure, sports training and sports club services will be prohibited.

Primary education services will only be delivered remotely. If the children’s parents cannot work remotely, if there is no place to drop the children, services will be provided.

At the meeting, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė hinted that benefits will be provided to residents caring for children, as well as those who are not working due to restrictions.

In general, the quarantine in Lithuania runs until 2021. January 31
