Šimonytė responded to the slogans of the rallies: we will not be able to guarantee you complete “freedom to get sick”


“The problem in this case is that neither I nor Arūnas Dulkys, in turn, can submit a request in a circular to the country’s hospitals with a request to ensure that the lady and her like-minded people are not taken into the captivity of oxygen, catheter or VPD. if needed for marshmallows, the lungs don’t rotate. Because the Constitution, Hippocrates and other matters. Therefore, we cannot guarantee you complete “freedom to get sick.” And you know it perfectly well, so here you go. that feat and you share it. Therefore, this is not an honest statement, “reacted the Prime Minister.

Šimonytė also stated in his registry that he does not guarantee the availability of other health services if doctors have to rescue large numbers of people infected with coronavirus again.

In addition, we cannot resort to the second and guarantee the availability of other health services if needed by women and their like-minded people, when the beds, doctors and equipment as far away as possible, the more they will serve for the treatment of covid.
I honestly do not wish any disease on anyone, but protect everyone from it, not my sovereign powers. And the experiments when “we get sick, we get natural immunity” for relatively young people ended badly, out there, very unfortunate, but I have more than I would like. Because one is too much, ”wrote Šimonytė.

At the end of the recording, the prime minister asked citizens to get vaccinated and be careful

“And thanks to everyone who not only did it themselves, but also advised others to do it. That is how it is in Denmark ”, concluded the Prime Minister.

At the rally, N. Vasiliauskaitė named several requirements for the government: abolish the use of the passport of opportunity and restrictions related to the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which will take effect on September 13.

Nida Vasiliauskaitė

Nida Vasiliauskaitė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to her, the government did not even have the right to propose her presentation: “Offering is a crime.” According to N. Vasiliauskaitė, the government should not deal with the management of the pandemic.

At a rally organized by the family movement, around 5 thousand. people protested against COVID-19 restrictions

Previously, the Vilnius city municipality did not allow the Lithuanian family movement to demonstrate near the Seimas, arguing about the increased threat of violence, so the protest took place in Cathedral Square.

Thousands of demonstrations near the Seimas in August turned into riots that led to the arrest of dozens of people and the launch of pre-trial investigations.

On Friday, after the rally in Vilnius Cathedral Square, 20 people were detained due to the riots, there were no casualties, police representatives said.

Šimonytė responded to the slogans of the rallies: we will not be able to guarantee you a complete

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“During the day, police officers detained 20 people, 19 people for violations of the Administrative Offenses Code and one person for illegal possession of drugs,” Saulius Gagas, head of the county Police Station, told reporters on Friday. from Vilnius.

These infractions include failure to comply with legal requirements, walking on the road. Two people were detained in a pre-trial investigation due to previous disturbances near the Seimas.

According to police representatives, the demonstration was carried out almost to the end without serious incidents, but after the event the crowd moved towards the Seimas, they were not allowed to do so.

“According to police planning, the crowd was not allowed to continue marching: we banned pedestrians and vehicles from Lukiškės square and the crowd was detained,” the Vilnius police chief said.

“Those people had to be detained and those who ignored the police requests did not comply with the legal requirements,” he added.

According to S. Gago, measures are still being taken, people are being taken to police stations. The police plan to continue working at night.

“I think that our preparation, these measures, were really necessary and apparently, if not that preparation, not a large police force, it is very likely that we would have had a similar scenario to that of a month ago,” said the police commissioner. General Renatas Požėla.

“We saw at the end of the event several hundred people who approached the Seimas chanting certain slogans, the essence of which was apparently ‘the Seimas – outside’ and we had to take tactical measures to stop those people,” he added.

According to R. Požėla, there were no victims during the events on Friday.

“Wounded, wounded, neither the officers, nor the participants of the rally, nor the townspeople or the guests – we have no such information at the moment,” S. Gag confirmed this information.

There is also no evidence that city or resident property has been damaged.

“We have to understand what we were trying to say, and the Plaza de la Catedral is not the most suitable place for such events. Yes, it is better than the Seimas, but not the most suitable. This is the chosen venue and the details of the event and they caused those problems, so we have to regret and apologize to the residents and guests of Vilnius for the inconvenience they have experienced, ”said R. Požėla.

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