Šimonytė promises a separate plan for managing the COVID-19 situation


“It just came to our notice then. Given that the Government’s program is in place for four years, and the Government will work, I hope that it will have to address not only the problems of oblivion over time and during that time, but it will also have to address a host of problems in our education, economy, environment and more. Therefore (as it is said in the program itself) there is a separate action plan and that action plan will also be made public, “said Monday the new head of government at a press conference.

According to her, the plan will encompass “the entire strategy”, from the current assessment of the resilience of the health system and society to “maintenance to recovery, which we understand through the vaccine and the possibility of a” ticket to freedom “on a large enough scale.

According to I. Šimonytė, the plan will also discuss the improvement of the crisis management system and other solutions that would prevent similar crises in the future and allow better management.

Mr. Nausėda also called the decision not to detail the pandemic in the Government’s full-term program as a logical step.

“And I am really optimistic, I think that we will overcome the coronavirus faster and that this government, and I, as president, will be able to work during a part of our term, not under the coronavirus,” he said.

Nausėda also expected good communication and institutional coordination in handling the coronavirus pandemic, emphasizing that this often determines the success of good measures.

I. Šimonytė: current measures are insufficient

I. Šimonytė says that the Provisional Government considers that the restrictions adopted on Monday are insufficient and that the rhetoric of interim Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, directed at the activities of the team of health experts assembled by G. Nausėda, is disrespectful.

“I must say that I have not heard any explanation why some decisions have not been made. What solutions will be needed later, we will probably have to discuss them later, because the situation is very dynamic, it changes very fast,” said the head of the new center-right government.

“I think we need all the solutions to protect, first and foremost, our healthcare system from collapse. You have to keep in mind that Christmas will be very difficult for doctors anyway, because we will see a lot of all these cases in hospitals after a while, “he added.

The Prime Minister urged the population to follow the recommendations and not take risks, to follow the mortality rates, which should not be seen as “figures in the statistics”, but as a potential threat to everyone and their loved ones. He promises that the government will not intimidate, but asks citizens to be an “ally of the government and, above all, of doctors” in the fight against COVID-19.

The outgoing government of Saulius Skvernelis extended the quarantine until the end of the year on Monday and tightened up more on personal communication, business rules, telecommuting and learning. However, more lenient measures have been taken than those proposed by the Acting Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga and the Council of Experts convened by the President.
