Šimonytė on the symbols used at the rally – this is an unacceptable devaluation of the concepts that describe the terrible tragedies of humanity


“I apologize to those who were offended by the Jewish symbols used by some protesters in the protest action before the Seimas today and for the comparisons they made to the ghettos of the Nazi occupation. This is an unacceptable devaluation of the concepts that describe the terrible tragedies of humanity. The Holocaust is associated with many destinies marked by death and one of the greatest tragedies in European history.

The current real and imagined inconveniences of life are unparalleled in exile, genocide, the Holocaust or other terrible things endured by people and their loved ones who still live with wounds of heart and soul. Quarantine restrictions are imposed by the governments of various countries precisely to protect human lives, which requires a health system that works for the benefit of people. I can only regret that on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust and the Soviet repression, there are comparisons that offend the memory of people who remain by the shaft or fatally frozen by the Laptev Sea, ”says the Prime Minister.

Gathered at a rally Tuesday to protest the quarantine restrictions, some of its participants likened them to genocide and ghettos, wearing yellow Stars of David and prisoner clothing.

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