Šimonytė: from February, part of the restrictions can be modified


According to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, the situation is gradually improving. “I can say, perhaps more or less firmly, that the dynamics are favorable in many respects according to all the parameters that we follow, but that does not mean that we already have reasons to relax. It just means that we are on the right track, ”he said.

Modifications to the quarantine regime can be expected, according to the prime minister, from February 1.

“The current resolution is valid until January 31st. The simplest way would be to extend that rule for a while and not change anything. However, depending on how we manage to find solitary solutions and what our case dynamics will be like next week , one and a half may be that some of the restrictions can be modified from February, “explained the Prime Minister..

When asked what restrictions can be expected to be lifted from February, I. Šimonytė emphasized that they will probably be intermediate solutions between the current strict restrictions and their full liberalization.

“You are talking about lifting restrictions and applying alternative controls. I think there are possible solutions that are in the middle, and there are many of those solutions in various nuances, even in the aforementioned circular municipalities or some other restrictions, that can be dispensed with before most restrictions, ”said the Prime Minister.

Priority: education and social bubbles

I. Šimonytė explained what changes to the quarantine regime can be expected at the government meeting on Wednesday. According to her, the changes will be minimal.

Ingrida Šimonytė

Ingrida Šimonytė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“First of all, I thank everyone who has complied with the restrictions in good faith (…) Until we can manually follow up on all new cases or fully reestablish scheduled medical services, an effort remains. Resolution (on restrictions – aut. Past) is in principle valid until January 31. as is currently the case with very few changes that we have already discussed.

Mainly for children who have difficulties in distance learning at home, they will be able to learn remotely in schools or other public spaces to participate in the educational process. That decision will be made on Wednesday and also on social bubbles. Other restrictions remain in full force and effect, “he said.

The idea of ​​social bubbles means that a person’s home could interact with another home to provide emotional and practical help to people experiencing increased stress from isolation.

The prime minister has said that she has not yet seen the possibility of vaccinating students from the age of 16 after the release of the quarantine regime related to contact education.

“Until now, I would see it complicated and for practical reasons, because we really do not have enough vaccines to be able to talk about it with confidence. The manufacturer’s restrictions are specific to the product. Of course, where the manufacturer does not recommend vaccinating children under a certain age. age, you can’t talk about that, ”he said.

The release of restrictions in the business sector will be discussed, according to the Prime Minister, business representatives will be consulted and the best solutions will be sought.

“It is very good that we have a good trend. It is very important not to break that trend. I listen to what the commercial representatives say. But the most important thing for us is not to create unpredictability through our actions. It is not to make a decision too soon, when in two weeks we will have to say: we have made a mistake and we will close again ”, he assured.

The goal is a small number of cases

The government meeting said the number of new infections per day should be reduced to 200 cases. According to I. Šimonytė, the indicator of 200 cases is used as a benchmark. According to her, this is the extent to which, as the Lithuanian experience has shown, contact tracing control can be applied.

“It is not the specific number that matters, but the specific dynamics. It has been made very clear that if we maintain the rate of decline in cases as we do now, then we can achieve that result. Why is it important to reach that level so low? Because if the number of cases started to grow again, that growth would be much more acute than any higher level. And that there is such a risk, it is due to various mutations, “said the Prime Minister.

He recalled the example of foreign countries, where the number of mutations suddenly jumped from zero to zero, making it worthwhile to reintroduce strict quarantines.

The situation is gradually improving

Government data analyst Aistis Šimaitis presented the latest statistical information at the meeting. According to him, although the situation is improving, the figures still do not allow to say that the pandemic is under control.

“The direction in which all our parameters are moving is positive. We can say that the trend is sustainable, we have already been accelerating negatively for 17 days ”, said A. Šimaitis. According to him, Lithuania is now in a phase of “exponential decline”.

According to A. Šimaiitis, the situation in hospitals is still bad.

The government meeting said it is necessary to plan mitigation for education, business, but this requires a very clear testing strategy. It has been argued that the relaxation of quarantine conditions would prioritize the relaxation of the quarantine regime in the education sector. The opening of schools would be gradual, starting with beginners.

We remind you that the extremely strict quarantine is valid throughout the country until January 31. To this day, restrictions on movement between municipalities in the country also apply.

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