Šimonytė advisor: the quarantine will be, but it will be different


Živilė Gudlevičienė, advisor to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, and Greta Gargasienė, specialist at the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), spoke about this on the current affairs program “Daily Section” of the news portal tv3.lt.

Mrs Živile, is quarantine possible in the fall or not? That question is relevant to everyone and everyone is trying to guess what will be here. Epidemiologists say he will most likely be quarantined, and what is your opinion?

FROM. Gudlevičienė: From today’s data, you could say yes, the quarantine will be. However, locals are already being considered, closing those municipalities where the situation would be worse, instead of the global quarantine. To this day, these are the considerations. How the situation will change and what decisions will be made will again show only the situation at that time.

The education minister reportedly said, and the prime minister had hinted that preparations were now being made for the fall so that educational institutions would not have to close. What about educational institutions? Is it still planned that, regardless of the situation, at least kindergarten and primary school children will go to school?

FROM. Gudlevičienė: Yes, in fact, this topic is very relevant now, and for a few weeks, both the experts such as the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and the Ministry of Health will be sitting, debating and posing possible scenarios. And yes, in the fall, the priority will really be contact education for all children, and the distance will go only in the darkest settings.

Schools want to open:

On the other hand, since testing has caused a very negative connotation in schools, but such situations cannot be resolved without testing, those schools that will actively conduct tests where it is accepted by both the parent, teacher, and student community are considered to be even in the blackest. settings, contact education will continue for them.

Therefore, the priority starting in the fall will be contact education in all schools, with rare exceptions to distance learning or hybrid teaching.

Mrs. Greta, in terms of cases and their outbreaks, where are they most common? You have mentioned educational institutions, can you specify whether they are schools, kindergartens?

G. Gargasienė: It is probably worth noting here that outbreaks occur in those companies or establishments that carry out their activities. That is, if the schools were closed, there were no outbreaks there at the time. Since kindergartens were also open in the summer, in this case all active sprouts, which are recorded in educational institutions, are related to preschool educational institutions, kindergartens.

The more companies start operations that have been closed during the quarantine, it is normal that both food production and logistics and other companies that carry out their activities do have cases and outbreaks.

However, I would like to emphasize that everyone probably imagines the outbreak as a large number of sick people. However, this is not the case, an outbreak is recorded when two or more related cases are recorded in terms of location and time.

In this case, if two people get sick in the company, it is treated as an outbreak. So, looking at that outbreak, we really don’t have to imagine that all outbreaks occur with 50 or 20 sick people.

See the full conversation in the video at the beginning of the article.
