Šiluva has changed this week: the enchanting show attracts even non-believers


After a few hours on the first day of vacation in Šiluva, 15 minutes I heard various arguments about why this town is attractive not only to the faithful.

It attracts hikers, fans of architecture and heritage, and those who want to see with their own eyes the enchanting spectacle that will take place on Saturday, a sparkling “sea”, and just want to meet a family member or buy a special bread.

Some have empty cash registers, some rejoice

After visiting Šiluva on the first day of the holiday, trade was slow. The street leading to the main square is much more spacious than a few years ago. There were several empty spots in the line of tents that were previously densely packed, with only one other shopper standing by.

“Too bad,” said the meat trader interviewed. His cash register was still empty at noon on the first day.

“After all, most older people come by bus. The whole town gets together, they say we are driving, organizing, and everyone is driving. That is not the case this year. There are no such groups, they are empty. not at all, ”he complained.

There are far fewer arrivals on your own. I was hoping the exchange would pick up at least for the weekend.

“Where there can be a good mood here, I haven’t even met to pay for electricity yet,” said the trader, who paid 250 euros for a 7-day business permit.

But only ten meters away, in a completely different frame of mind. Loreta from Šiauliai, who sells “Verbūnų duonas” products, has been going to Šiluva during indulgences for ten years, and she is always happy every year. Not just the trade, but the whole atmosphere.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

“It just came to our attention then. We weren’t even expecting … 15 minutes she said. – Because it is just a beautiful day, there are quite a few people. Usually we called the first day a rehearsal, those people were minimal. And now only a few priests have come. “

Loreta has been going to Šiluva during indulgences for ten years, and she is always happy every year. Not just the trade, but the whole atmosphere.

Although there were fewer fellow traders on the first day, he felt that some probably decided to trade only for a few days, so they would increase as the weekend approached.

Loreta said she thought many people were afraid of the event due to the quarantine, but their fears did not materialize. And don’t even consider driving this year.

“We drive every year, worse or cold, we always drive. Peace is like this here, I like it a lot. Good atmosphere. The priests come, talk, remember that they have bought me before, bless the goods, me.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

Very special atmosphere, peace. I myself go to church early in the morning or in the evening. Refreshment just being here. If there is a choice of where to go, here or at another fair, it is always here. Šiluva is Šiluva ”.

Loreta said that she cannot complain about the trade, but here she is more pleased with the mood of the buyers. In Šiluva, they are special, according to her.

Refreshment just being here.

“Those people are so warm, simple,” they say, oh, I remember buying that bread. They all radiate some heat. Quite different. It happens at fairs that everyone is in a hurry, flying. But here people are different ”, Loreta is convinced.

He said shoppers are especially drawn to black bread specially decorated for the holidays, with the most popular being festive white. “People buy it like a cake: fluffy, soft, fragrant. People say,” It reminds me of how my grandmother baked it, “Mrs. Loreta laughed.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

Some, as soon as they arrive, buy only a few slices of bread and take them to mass. When a priest sanctifies everything, he also sanctifies the bread.

What do people usually buy during Šiluva discounts? Mrs. Loreta mentions three things: “It is now necessary to bring the bread back. And cake, plus candy. Young people may think differently, but parents and grandparents will definitely bring a cake from Šiluva’s indulgences. “

If you don’t want a cake to choose from: candy, honey, jewelry, holy goods, sausages, socks, hams, toys, religious-style mugs, or even like Jack Daniel’s whiskey. For everyone according to what warms the soul the most.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Moment of the Šiluva fair

From the logging settlement to the shrine of the worshipers

The Lithuanian Catholic Church announces that in Šiluva in 1608. the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared, standing on the stone appeared to the shepherds. This changed the life of the city, which was previously called Būda. There were then more than forty dozen roads throughout the country, the so-called places where the forest trees were cut down and treated for the duke’s treasury.

Šiluva, which was located in a wooded area near Dubysa, was a very attractive place for such works: there were enough trees and, in the river, boards made from them and other products could easily be transported to the Nemunas and then to the ports. from Karaliaučius and Danzig.

Later it was called Šiluva and Šidlava, and finally the city was called Šiluva.

“1608 The apparition of the Virgin Mary completely changes the letters, – A. Zmitra told about the life of the city. – Although it must be said that even before the apparition, Šiluva was famous for being a pleasant place, pilgrims came there. But the revelation fundamentally changed everything. “

Ernestos Čičiurkaitės / 15min nuotr./Arnas Zmitra

Ernestos Čičiurkaitės / 15min nuotr./Arnas Zmitra

This performance of hers in 1775. was officially recognized by the Catholic Church and considered the oldest in Europe. Šiluva is one of the few places where the church has officially recognized the appearance of the Virgin Mary.

The city quickly became a place of attraction for the faithful, and now all life here in a city of about half a thousand people revolves around the Church and faith. The faithful flock to Šiluva not only through Šilines, but also throughout the year, they are organized on St. Mary’s Day, sick days, family days, etc.

This apparition of the Virgin Mary in 1775. was officially recognized by the Catholic Church and considered the oldest in Europe.

When you arrive in Šiluva, you may also meet a bishop strolling through its streets. “Šiluva, such a small city, has had an officially resident bishop since this year. This is an exceptional case,” emphasized A. Zmitra.

Archbishop emeritus Lionginas Virbalas, who lived in Šiluva, said he had noticed more independent travelers visiting Šiluva this year. “They come on motorcycles, bicycles, cars. Since I live in Šiluva, I have always seen: come, go out, go to the basilica, the chapel, bypass the square and leave. It is likely that they have even increased, because everyone travels to Lithuania, ”he said.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Archbishop emeritus Lionginas Virbalas

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Archbishop Emeritus Lionginas Virbalas

What was almost non-existent this year are worship groups from abroad. There were only two groups from Poland, when they used to come even from Asia and the Far East, and Germans, Italians, French and Belgians who traveled to Europe in motorhomes also liked to come to Šiluva.

“I think it is necessary to strengthen ties with closer countries; Polish pilgrims are very happy to visit Slovakia. Italians love it too. They would have really beautiful discoveries in Šiluva: the place itself, its meaning, the whole environment”, the archbishop is convinced.

“It is a good time to travel. Get to know the place, each other. Then the trip becomes a life experience, not only the basis of something, but also the experience of survival. Knowing that oriental saying,” Only the donkey returns from the trip the same, without changes, “laughed the clergyman.

It is not only interesting for believers

According to A. Zmitra, director of the Raseiniai Tourism Center, Šiluva has other things that are attractive not only for Catholics. The city is interesting both historically and in the urban sense, with its protected cultural heritage objects.

Knowing that oriental saying: “Only the donkey returns from the trip the same, without changes.”

“The baroque Šiluva Basilica also attracts not only believers, people come to admire it and only for its architecture. Or the 44-meter Apparition Chapel was built by Antanas Vivulskis,” said A. Zmitra.

With the great popularity of pilgrimages in recent years, Šiluva is also a great place for this type of trip. It is crossed by St. Jacob’s Road (section of Šiauliai and Kaunas), Šiluva itself has created four or five more routes: it is possible to walk from Tytuvėnai, Lyduvėnai, Betygala, from Šiauliai hill.

On Saturday of the week of indulgences, the city will traditionally host a fascinating spectacle: a procession of lights around Šiluva. On Saturday night, after mass, there will be a trip through Šiluva with various lights. It flows like a river of lights.

On Saturday of the week of indulgences, the city will traditionally host a fascinating spectacle: a procession of lights around Šiluva.

And over the years, Šilinė itself has taken on not only religious significance, but is becoming a traditional time for family, relatives and communities to come together, notes the director of the Raseiniai Tourism Center. . An opportunity to see old friends, family. Take home the traditional waiters: bread, sweets and cake.
