Signs of the body that show a lack of fiber: how to get it from food?


According to the dietitian Živilė Dumbraitė, we could avoid certain health disorders if we adjust our diet, include nutrients in it and do not forget the fiber necessary for the body.

Unfortunately, the benefits of fiber are not widely known in society. A survey of the Lithuanian population * showed that just over a third of respondents (37%) know that fiber reduces the risk of heart disease and colon cancer, while only a quarter (23%) agree that which can help regulate sugar levels. blood, write a press release.

Long-term fiber deficiency is harmful to the body; immunity may be weakened

“Dietary fiber helps good gut bacteria survive and multiply, as well as maintaining a healthy microbiota. With enough fiber, the digestive process is smoother and we feel lighter. Both types of fiber are important for our body, soluble and insoluble in water ”, says the dietician.

Fiber food

Fiber food

Often fiber deficiency can be caused by unpleasant sensations in the intestine (constipation or vice versa), gas can accumulate, bloating. The nutritionist points out that without enough fiber, the negative effects can become apparent after a while.

“We do not feel all the disorders of the body at once. If we do not get the required amount of fiber, the digestion process can become more difficult later, the absorption of nutrients can be impaired and certain vitamins can be lacking,” says Ž. Dumbraitė .

According to a nutritionist, not consuming enough fiber for a long time can lead to more serious intestinal problems, lack of energy, weakened immunity or deterioration of the skin. “It is important to take care of intestinal health in time, because it is like an indicator of the state of the organism. If everything is good for the intestines, then the general well-being will be good ”, says the nutritionist.

Živilė Dumbraitė

Živilė Dumbraitė

© Photo from personal album

400-500 g of vegetables and fruits per day

According to dietitian Ž. You can find high fiber and mossy products in almost everyone’s kitchen, but you need to learn how to make the right choices.

“Vegetables, fruits and cereals are one of the main sources of fiber. These products should form the basis of the diet. I would recommend consuming at least 400-500 g of vegetables and fruits a day. It is better to choose at least 5 different species. In addition, 2-3 tablespoons of cereals and a few slices of quality bread should be included in the daily diet ”, advises the specialist.

According to the dietitian, bread can help ensure a greater amount of fiber in the diet. Although bread is at first glance a favorite product of Lithuanians, a survey of the country’s population revealed that as much as 43 percent. residents do not know or disagree that bread can be a natural source of fiber.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables

Bread is unnecessarily underestimated

To facilitate obtaining the necessary amount of fiber, Ž. Dumbraitė advises choosing quality bread, reading its composition and seeing its energy value. “Another great indicator is the ‘green keyhole’ sign on the packaging. The composition of the products thus marked is more favorable to health, they contain more fiber, less sugar, fat, salt, no food sweeteners”, he says. the dietitian.

Snieguolė Šoblinskienė, Product Development Manager at Vilniaus Duona, states that the customer should read the nutrition chart first and pay attention to the fiber line: It is considered a source of fiber. Ideally, 100 g of bread contains 6 g of fiber, as this product is considered high in fiber. “

When choosing bread with more fiber, S. Šoblinskienė also advises looking for one in which rye, whole wheat flour, seeds or grains are indicated at the beginning of the composition line, in first, second or third place.

“The amount of fiber can also be determined by the way the flour is ground: the thicker it is, the less it is processed. As a result, thicker, whole-wheat rye bread will have more fiber. Also, if vegetables, grains and seeds are added to the bread, it will be even more favorable to health ”, says S. Šoblinskienė.

*The market research company Norstat conducted a representative quantitative survey by direct survey (Omnibus) on behalf of the UAB Vilniaus Duona. The survey sample is 1,000 respondents between the ages of 18 and 74. The study was conducted in 2021. February 2-10

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