Siege in outpatient clinics: reception staff wait in fear on September 13


Until the Ministry of Health decides who can help print passports of opportunity for those who cannot do it, and some retirees, outraged by the lack of dialogue with the authorities, promise to go to protest “with axes and forks,” the institutions patiently explain. to patients. what family doctors can and cannot do also look forward to September 13.

“The reception staff are looking forward to September 13, when there will be some restrictions and some patients will have to be told that they cannot go to the doctor because they did not do or did not do something,” family doctor Valery Morozov told Delfi. .

Siege in outpatient clinics: reception staff wait in fear on September 13

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to the interlocutor, at present there has been a particularly high number of calls from those who want to obtain a passport of opportunities for various detours.

“The reception phones are really broken, there are a lot of calls and everyone has to explain that the family doctor does not influence the obtaining or not of the passport, and in no way can something be entered into the system so that a person can obtain a passport. It would be good if the authorities said the same, “Morozvas said, adding that the number of people requesting a passport increased precisely when a message from the authorities that they could not print such a document, which said something, emerged and spread. like this: “Go to the GP and print it out.”

The doctor pointed out that family doctors always like to hire a job that does not belong to them: health – they are foreign citizens, they simply do not understand information technology or do not have one or the other device – go to family doctors. Each institution handles this in its own way: someone entrusts it to secretaries, registrars, someone to family doctors ”.

Siege in outpatient clinics: reception staff wait in fear on September 13

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

V. Morozov warned that family doctors cannot issue certificates on contraindications to vaccines.

“A family doctor can issue such a certificate unless the person has a fever, an infectious disease and therefore obviously cannot be vaccinated at that time, or if an allergic anaphylactic reaction has occurred after the first vaccination and is in resuscitation In such cases, the knowledge of the family doctor is objectively sufficient.

All other possible contraindications to any aggressive treatment are decided by specialist doctors – oncologists or immunologists. The family doctor does not have the knowledge to decide which treatment and for how many weeks one or the other vaccine should be postponed, ”the doctor emphasized.

Panevėžys doctors also felt a higher influx of patients due to the passport possibilities.

“We definitely receive more questions about it, but after all, it is written on the website of the Ministry of Health that we do not have the opportunity to withdraw the passport of opportunity, because we do not see it,” commented Karolis Valantinas, director. of the Municipal Polyclinic of Panevėžys.

Karolis Valantinas

Karolis Valantinas

© photo.

According to the interviewee, not only the elderly, but also some Lithuanian citizens living abroad ask the polyclinic to print an opportunity passport.

“Now there was only one woman living abroad. Since she does not have access to any bank in Lithuania, and is also vaccinated in England, she cannot withdraw her passport. Sometimes people don’t get sucked into not being able to help them much. He hasn’t even registered in Lithuania, he doesn’t have a family doctor here and we don’t see his details, ”explained K. Valantinas, adding that something similar could and could be expected as soon as the opportunity passport was announced. it would become mandatory.

Panevėžys doctors have recently received more patients who hope to avoid vaccination due to allergies or other reasons.

“Now many people who do not want to get vaccinated are looking for all kinds of reasons not to do it: they remember that they had an allergy in their childhood and they are trying to persuade doctors to write a certificate that they can do it.” Don’t get vaccinated for that. Actually, we have not yet written something like that in Panevėžys, although there were inquiries.

If there is a suspicion that a person really cannot be vaccinated due to an allergy, we would refer them to a secondary level specialist who would do the necessary tests. If someone has had an allergic reaction as a child and now imagines that they cannot get vaccinated for it, it is not necessarily like that ”, the doctor warned.

Initially, the number of people wanting to print a passport had increased in Kaunas polyclinics.

Paulius Kibiša

Paulius Kibiša

© DELFI / Kotryna Dagenytė

Paulius Kibiša, director of the Kaunas City Polyclinic, said that some employees of the Registry Center had simultaneously directed those who could not print the opportunity passport to the polyclinic.

“We have had a discussion with the Registry Center about this and we no longer refer patients to have a GP write to them about what they cannot write. Of course, it is probably difficult for people from districts and villages to get to the Records Center, but this is the only way out so far. Otherwise, it would be an unbearable burden for medical institutions if, now that doctors are still on vacation, they also had to print passports of opportunity, ”says P. Kibiša.

The Vilnius Antakalnis Polyclinic also received requests to help print passports. They are mostly older people.

Rūta Vanagienė, communication coordinator of the Antakalnis Polyclinic, recalled that currently medical institutions can only print the EU green certificate, and patients can print the opportunity passport only at the Registration Center, because doctors do not have the opportunity to do it.

Siege in outpatient clinics: reception staff wait in fear on September 13

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

R. Vanagienė also emphasized that family doctors cannot issue certificates on contraindications for vaccines.

“If there is a suspicion that they cannot be vaccinated, the family doctor sends the patients to an allergist. Here, additional tests are carried out and only then the allergist decides: to enter the corresponding code or not,” said R. Vanagienė.

We remind pharmacists to be willing to help people print passports of opportunity, but they need to be given access to patient data. You can read more about it here.

Professor Laura Malinauskienė, allergist and clinical immunologist at the Santara Clinics, said a little earlier what the contraindications for coronavirus vaccines may be. You can read the transcript of the conversation with the doctor here.

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