Šiauliai, suffering from an insidious disease, warns Lithuanian women: monitor your health


During a visit to a family doctor in 2012, Deimantė heard an offer to visit an endocrinologist and have her thyroid checked for all the anger, because her mother had a goiter, so there was a possibility that she might as well have the disease. After visiting specialists, they confirmed that Diamond had a nodular goiter.

“They said there was nothing wrong with that, just check those nodules to see if they are changing. This is how I checked every year, “says Deimantė.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Diamond Gedrimė

Appointed a biopsy

In 2019, the doctor noticed changes: the goiter nodules increased, but Deimante made sure that everything was fine.

“I trusted the doctors because I didn’t see for myself what they saw on the ultrasound. My specialty is also related to medicine, but I don’t know anything about nodules myself, so I can deal with something myself. Doctors said he would come in a year.

In 2020, I had to visit a doctor in December, but due to the quarantine, the visit was postponed until February 2021. So there was a hiatus of a year and a few months. This time, the examining physician said that a thyroid biopsy should be performed, but assured that there was nothing terrible. They said he would come in the fall, because now he is quarantined and no one is doing this free test, ”says Šiauliai.

Still, the acquaintance persuaded Diamond not to wait and find someone who could do this research sooner. The only private clinic in Vilnius did these tests, so Deimantė contacted them and agreed on the date of the visit. The study was not obtained in the fall, but in April.

Deimantė went to Vilnius without fear, because the doctors said that the changes were not terrible.

“After visiting a private clinic, I had another ultrasound before the biopsy to see where the piercing was. While doing the ultrasound, the doctor was surprised to be “so young and with these nodules.” The first immediate thought was that something was wrong.

He was also a bit disappointed that the doctor didn’t explain how the biopsy was going. I knew he would stab me with a needle to the throat, but nothing more. When a nodule was pierced, the pain was not very intense, but the sensation was very unpleasant, ”says Deimantė.

However, the woman was alarmed when the doctor said it was time to take a second biopsy sample as well, because no one told Diamond that it was not necessary to test one, but two nodules to detect cancer:

“During the second sample, I accidentally swallowed and that cannot be done. Then I had a lot of emotions and I started crying. Then I started to think that maybe something was really wrong, ”he recalls.

Diamond Gedrimė

The doctor offered to sit

Ten days after the biopsy, Deimantė called to find out the results of the investigation, and the doctor who responded initially joked that “you are probably the patient who cried,” but grumbled and suggested that the woman sit up better.

“Then I realized that something was wrong. They told me that one nodule was malignant and the other was “in a question mark.” If the second nodule is malignant, it will only clear up after surgery. The doctor said that it was now necessary to call family doctors and request a referral to the National Cancer Institute (IMI).

A week later, I was examined by an IMI doctor, but I didn’t explain anything else to him, I just said that I needed surgery. Since different specialists work in Šiauliai and Vilnius, they wanted me to do the ultrasound in Vilnius again, but I lacked explanations about the situation or if it was very serious, especially when I report cancer, ”Deimantė laments.

The disease is old and has not spread that way over the years.

The woman wanted to know as much as possible about her condition, so she returned to a private clinic, but this time to a fungus on the street. After the consultation, Diamond felt better because she received all the answers to her questions. However, just before the operation, they faced an unpleasant surprise: they were informed that the operation would be more complicated than originally planned.

“Before the operation, the doctor said that there is a spread of cancer cells in the lymph nodes, so they will need to be removed.” There was so much stress before the operation, and he reported that news, “says the woman.

With recovery from anesthesia, the operation lasted approximately 5 hours. The doctor confirmed that the operation was quite complicated because the blood vessels in the neck were very dilated. However, Deimantė is glad that the doctor who operated on her was very professional and the operation was a great success, there were no complications.

“The doctor who came after the operation confirmed that the disease is old and could not have spread in 1 year. Even though my hormonal tests showed nothing, I always feel great. <...> One nodule was already 9 millimeters before the operation and the other 7 “, he reveals.

Diamond was interested in the fact that after thyroid surgery, women usually have a 2-3 cm scar on their neck, but when he woke up after anesthesia, he saw that his entire neck was covered:

“I was expecting to have a small scar as well, because the place is still quite visible. My scar is three times as large. The incision was very large because the lymph nodes on both sides had to be removed.”

Diamond Gedrimė

Radioactive iodine therapy

Šiauliai is happy that the recovery after anesthesia went very well and quickly enough. The diamond was in the same room with a woman who had also undergone thyroid surgery. I had a sore throat even while drinking water, it was difficult to speak.

“I was afraid it might be my case. I have a lot to talk about at work, so I’m afraid of what it will be like. The first thing I did after the surgery was try to talk. Then I realized that everything was drinking. Later I saw that I could also swallow the water, nothing hurt.

I was very nauseous after anesthesia. In total, I couldn’t eat maybe 42 hours, counting those hours before the operation. My sisters had to take me to the bathroom in a wheelchair because my body was completely exhausted. Then they gave me nausea medication, I started eating and everything got better. Five days after the operation, I was able to drive home, ”she says happily.

After the operation, there was no need to wait long for Diamond to return to normal life, the doctors advised only taking sick leave and leaving her at home for at least a week at rest. Rehabilitation was postponed to a later date.

“Because the postoperative tests show that 2 of the 5 lymph nodes removed have cancer, iodine therapy will be done. I will receive a radioactive iodine tablet and they will lock me in the room 24 hours a day because I will spread radiation. And the next day I will put myself in a capsule and check if there is iodine spread in my body or not. If there is a spread, it means that the cancer cells are still in the body and the treatment will need to be repeated after two months. If there is no iodine spread, everything is fine, ”he says.

Your Diamond story wants to urge all those who doubt and do not control their health, not to be afraid and make sure to control their health, because blood tests alone are not enough.

“You have to learn to listen to your body, because it reports illnesses itself, you just have to learn to listen and then go to the appropriate specialists. Stay healthy ”, wishes Deimantė.
