Šiauliai Mayor’s COVID-19 logic: promised not to “punish”


Won’t it be “punished”?

After publishing the information from the Registry Center that no COVID-19 cases have been recorded in Šiauliai in the last two weeks, the city mayor Artūras Visockas asks publicly: why is the same regime applied to Šiauliai if not are there cases of infection in 14 days?

Digging deeper, the Map of the Records Center provides information on 8 sick people in Šiauliai.

“The people of Šiauliai will continue to keep their distance, they will not be forced to wear a dirty mask, and they will not be punished if the person behaves logically. The stairs to the apartments will also be maintained. Our goal is not a mask! And no very good !!!! or intimidation !!! Our goal is distance, and if that fails, there is no difference of event or no event (the virus can be everywhere) and, above all, respect for the person who is next to you, especially for the older one, I recommend you wear a clean one! mask. A dirty mask, or a mask that has been placed “n” times somewhere, is worse (this way the virus will enter your nose) than without a mask. Let’s continue acting rationally! Let’s be free and responsible! “The mayor called on his social network account.

When asked by a commentator to explain whether the people of Šiauliai would not be “punished”, A. Visockas assured that these are only completely malicious cases.

Tired of prohibitions, warnings and obligations, many people “applauded” the mayor in his comments.

Don’t wear “dirty masks”

Speaking of his statement, A. Visockas emphasized that he wants to calm the psychological state of people so that they are not too tense.

“In the case of real and abundant diseases, it is clear that it will be necessary to find a different regimen. I hope people follow healthy logic. The police have not punished and will not punish those who act logically and will not be able to threaten other people for their behavior, ”explained the mayor.

When asked to comment on what it means to act logically, the mayor said, “Act logically first is keeping a safe distance from the other person. If you cannot keep your distance from the other person, you should wear a mask because it is respect for the other person, especially the older person. The criterion is – distance. If you can keep your distance, a mask is definitely not necessary. If you can’t keep your distance, whether it’s an event or not, where people gather, put on that mask. “

A. Visockas asks if the diseases of Vilnius and Kaunas do not require a different approach to that place or sector compared to Šiauliai. He is worried: if the scale of diseases will expand there, it is obvious that the disease will also reach Šiauliai.

“I just realized that in those places where life could pass more freely. You cannot push both where the problem is and where it is not. Otherwise, you will no longer have people’s attention, ”said the mayor.

He explained that it is necessary to wear a clean mask, because dirt is the source of the virus. If people are scared and will not wear masks just for fear of fines, “we will definitely catch the virus and get sick.”

The mayor promises to be at events with a mask himself, unless it depends on the area of ​​the event, if the person is far from the person.

“I did not say that it is possible to ignore the law. I am trying to change that legal framework by transmitting knowledge in the way that I understand it, in the way that seems right to me, so that the police officers can do their duty. Now the police cannot do that and it leads to legal nihilism, ”said the mayor.

Despite strict requirements for public events, the mayor said event venues will not be fenced off and full registration of participants was not promised.

“To do an outdoor event accurately, it must be fenced off and fully controlled. But even that would be elements of the absurd, because people leaning on the other side could already be without masks and not have to register. Obviously, we are not going to translate, because it would be fun, ”said A. Visockas.

Police Commissioner: Mayor cannot specify

However, what is fun for A. Visock is not fun for the head of the Šiauliai County Police Commission, Ramūnas Sarapas.

Speaking about the upcoming celebration of Šiauliai Days, the county chief commissioner said: “It is one thing that there cannot be large groups of people. City leaders organizing events will need to make sure there is not a large crowd. “

Mr. Sarap recalled that the police were not responsible for the organization of such events. The police, who were planning to organize a big celebration with the public in Šiauliai, canceled it.

According to the chief of police, he realized that even they could not enforce people’s distances, number restrictions and other requirements.

“We are unequivocal: there will be strict measures, the forces will work, we will register violations and people will be punished. The townspeople will be unhappy, but we have no choice. Today, the legislation defines very clearly how events are organized. I think that no organizer in the city can distort the current situation. Especially when there is the possibility of adjusting or not holding events in which it is not possible to guarantee the safe presence of people, ”warned R. Sarapas.

He stressed that until September 11, the city leadership can still make one or the other decision. As an example, he presented the future celebration of the city of Panevėžys, where the events will take place in small groups with pre-registration, no one will be able to enter, the territories will be fenced. The Commissioner believes that the same procedure should be applied in Šiauliai.

“The mayor of the city is not the chief of the police. I cannot forbid you to express your thoughts. He is a politician. I am the head of the institution and the subordinates comply with our standards, not mine, but those of the police leadership, ”said R. Sarapas about the mayor’s public speeches.

He confirmed that the police will limit themselves to warning if people do not wear masks maliciously: they just walked, they forgot.

“When the violations are malicious, where our instructions are rejected, we punish. This applies to politicians, businessmen, and everyone else. To the extent that it is convenient or inconvenient for us, we must, in principle, follow the general guidelines. Today’s speeches must be made, in my head, in public spaces, with special caution when the situation is not the best, ”said the head of the commission.

Mr. Sarap emphasized that all public events must have clear boundaries. It can’t be like it was a year or two ago when we lived in completely different conditions.

“It just came to our attention then. It is not a question of my competence, as the Municipality will have to do. As I said, there is always the possibility of not organizing events on a scale in which meetings of people cannot be ensured. Everything, do not forget that the director of the institution, the organization that organizes these events, also has the responsibility. If we see that the events will take place in the city without listening to the recommendations of the Operations Manager, we can apply the responsibility to the heads of institutions, not just those ordinary citizens, ”warned the county chief commissioner.

He said he would speak to the mayor this week and recommend that events be restricted or canceled entirely.

“It just came to our knowledge then. And the mayor’s decisions are his decisions. He cannot tell me to punish or not to punish people. We can agree that we are tolerant in one situation or another, but the law requires me to enforce it quite rigorously, ”said R. Sarapas.

The exception is only for people with disabilities

Simona Abromavičienė, acting as the Šiauliai Department of the National Center for Public Health, also spoke about the obligation to comply with the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania – Head of Operations.

“The order clearly sets out the requirements and we must adhere to them to stop the spread of the coronavirus infection. One of the preventive measures is a protective device that covers the nose and mouth. Exceptions are made only for people with disabilities who cannot use them due to their health status ”, mentioned the manager.

He stressed that the low COVID-19 morbidity rates in Šiauliai do not deter compliance. They do not apply according to administrative territories, but according to the epidemiological situation of the country and the solution is one for the whole country.
