Short is back on the election campaign scene – I feel so powerful


The presidential Republican has assured his followers that he is in “excellent shape” 22 days before the elections, in which he will hold a spear with Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

“I’ve been through this and now they say I have immunity,” Trump said, addressing a crowd of supporters in Sanford, near Orlando.

Few presidential supporters wore masks during the rally.

“I feel so powerful. I will present myself there, I will kiss everyone gathered there. “I’ll kiss lovely guys and women, I’ll just give you a greasy kiss,” said D. Trump.

The president’s medical team announced that his coronavirus test was negative and that he is no longer spreading the virus. Immediately afterwards, Trump left for Florida, the first of four key states he will visit in the next four days.

The president’s statements about alleged immunity to the coronavirus have not been substantiated.

D. Trump, who trails rival J. Biden in double-digit differences in public opinion polls, seeks to concentrate his constituency in so-called fluctuating states.

In his hour-long speech, just a week after being discharged from the hospital, Trump wove together all the traditional elements of his election campaign rhetoric: a fierce attack on the “Hillary” Clinton trap and “corrupt” media. , with intimidating warnings about “the radical left” and the “socialist nightmare.”

Trump also missed an opportunity to poke fun at his opponent, whom Joe calls “sleepy,” who said “virtually no one showed up” in Biden’s election campaign.

Trump reiterated his call for business start-ups and criticized the quarantine measures that are slowing the economy.

“If you’re president, you can’t lock it up in the basement. You need to get out of that, but it’s risky,” added D. Trump. He stressed that he was now in “excellent shape.”

The president reiterated that all Americans must undergo the same expensive course of treatment that was prescribed for them in the hospital. However, he admitted that some of his friends died from Covid-19.

Before launching the first post-infection coronavirus campaign, D. Trump threw several protective masks at the crowd.

His followers were quite close to each other and did not maintain the required distance, many did not wear masks. The White House host spoke for just over an hour, half of what he did before the infection.

Probably to show that he is healthy, the president even jumped on stage with the song YMCA by the American band Village People.

Unlike D. Trump, J. Biden diligently follows the recommendations of healthcare professionals during a pandemic. His election campaign events, which have strict rules on physical distance, are in stark contrast to rallies organized by Trump.

The latter do not usually wear masks and are completely ignorant of physical distance. One such event was a recent celebration at the White House, which experts called COVID-19 a “super source.”

Earlier this month, Trump reported on Twitter that he and his wife, Melania, had been diagnosed with coronavirus. October 2 was admitted to the Walter Reed National Center for Military Medicine. Already on October 5. The president of the United States was discharged from there and returned to the White House.

“The mind is incomprehensible”

“Oh, I really like Florida,” Trump told the crowd in Sanford. This state could have a decisive impact on the results of the November 3 elections.

The president asked that public opinion polls not be emphasized.

“We saw the same thing four years ago.” Four years ago, they said we would lose in Florida, “he said.

“In 22 days, we will win in this state, we will secure another four years in the White House,” the president said.

He also paid tribute to his nominee for Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

The Republican-controlled Senate begins deliberations on the candidacy of the 48-year-old conservative judge. His appointment, which is almost in doubt, could tip America’s top judicial authority firmly to the right for decades.

“She will be a fantastic judge of the United States Supreme Court,” Trump said.

“You know who would have thought we would do this for the third time?” He said, considering that he was going to appoint a third Supreme Court justice during his tenure.

74 years ago, on Trump’s trip to Florida, his doctor, Sean Conley, said the results of the president’s coronavirus tests were negative and that he could no longer infect other people. The doctor said this after several quick tests for the president and an evaluation of his other health indicators.

The conclusion that a patient is no longer spreading the disease is usually only made after a more sensitive PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, which is why experts on social media have voiced their suspicions that doctors D. Trump could have performed these tests but probably did not get the desired results.

At the time, Biden angrily criticized the president ahead of Trump’s Florida rally for trying to downplay the threat of the virus when the pandemic broke out.

“RE. The report knew how dangerous the disease was, but did nothing, said the Democrat. – Why didn’t they tell us? Why haven’t they warned us?

“His irresponsible personal behavior after [COVID-19] the diagnosis is incomprehensible to the mind, Biden said. “The longer Donald Trump is president, the more irresponsible he will be.”

Two-digit preposition

Biden strongly condemned Trump’s trip to Florida, saying the president was only bringing “rhetoric and panic” to the sunny state.

“But it is no less threatening that he does not come up with a plan to control this virus, which has already transported more than 15,000 people. Florida lives, ”said the Democrat.

The president will hold a second rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday night, visiting Iowa and North Carolina later this week in an attempt to outrun Biden, who, according to national polls cited by RealClearPolitics, has gained double digit popularity.

In the 2016 election, when he ran with Clinton, Trump won in Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa and North Carolina, four states that he will visit this week. But now, in all four, he’s trailing Biden, according to RealClearPolitics.

In Iowa and North Carolina, Biden leads slightly, but not long behind Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania at 3.7 and 7.1 percentage points, respectively.

At that time, early voting began in Georgia on Monday. Photos posted on social media with large lines of voters sparked accusations of “voter deterrence.”

More than 10 million have already cast their vote in the presidential elections. Americans have a record turnout three weeks before the election.
