Shops and hairdressers will open their doors from Monday


According to the resolution adopted by the Government, it is not only allowed to operate basic necessity stores, kiosks, pavilions (except those located in markets), if they have an entrance from the outside or a separate entrance used only by customers of the store. .

Stores and retail outlets will be required to ensure that a customer has at least 20 m2 of floor space. m of commercial space, or to be served at most one person at a time.

Stores with a sales area that does not exceed 300 m2. They will be able to operate. subway. Rūta Vainienė, director of the Lithuanian Business Enterprise Association, asked to increase the limit of the business area to 500 square meters, but the government rejected this proposal.

“The epidemiological situation has been evaluated. Right now, it is certainly changing, there are certainly positive signs. But we all agree that this is a fragile situation, we see what is in other countries close to Lithuania. The very fact that we can start talking about it is a beautiful achievement for the Lithuanian people, ”said Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys at the government meeting.

Open-air trading of non-food items from temporary vending facilities is also permitted, as is door-to-door sales for off-site contracts.

The Cabinet of Ministers also allowed the operation of beauty centers, salons and hairdressers. For services that last less than 15 minutes, it is necessary to provide at least 10 m2 M. m of area, and for services that last longer, at least 20 square meters. m of area per client.

If the area of ​​the institution is smaller, it will be possible to serve only one client at a time, all other security measures must be guaranteed.

“Today, our task is to move forward from a certain point of view and see how we will achieve it,” said Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

Employees will be screened before they start work, and the government has earmarked a total of $ 30 million for testing costs for small and medium-sized businesses. euros.

The government also allowed individual field training with a coach or instructor.
