Shoppers line up at stores, there is nowhere to park their cars, they also build in the driveway


Next to the Akropolis shopping center, shoppers even congregate at the entrances, as it sells food outdoors. There are practically no free parking spaces.

With slightly less congestion near the Ozas Mall, the photographer did not have to wait for the parking space to visit.

Shoppers line up at stores, there's nowhere to park their cars - they build and drive

People near supermarkets

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Residents also inform Delfi that they have drunk drivers who do not leave their cars in marked parking lots, but on the road.

“We receive several messages from time to time. Now there is even a plan: the officers work in all the shops, move the drone, monitor the places,” explained an employee on duty at the Vilnius police.

He confirmed that violations were also detected and assured that more police officers than usual will be on duty at the points of sale throughout the weekend.

Shoppers line up at stores, there is nowhere to park their cars, they also build in the driveway

People near supermarkets

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The security personnel in the stores make sure that the buyers only enter with a cart or shopping cart; if they are not there, buyers will not be allowed in.

What do you need to know before going to the store?

The government decree validates the recommendation for people from a family or household to visit the stores one by one. It is recommended to restrict movement for unnecessary reasons.

A fifth of the parking space was left

As of Wednesday, the government has introduced a restriction on the use of parking lots near shops, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets to just 20 percent. parking spaces, excluding spaces for staff and the disabled. Merchants have implemented this requirement by installing permanent or temporary partitions, walls, and reprogramming barriers.

It has already been announced that a floor of the parking lot in the Panorama shopping center in Vilnius has been completely closed, and part of the space on the ground floor has been blocked. On the Acropolis, sites are fenced off with stop lanes and security guards regulate traffic. The Oze portion of the sites has been closed and the paid site has been rescheduled to allow no more than 20%. cars.

At the Mega Mall in Kaunas, customers have around 500 parking spaces left.

Shoppers line up at stores, there is nowhere to park their cars, they also build in the driveway

People near supermarkets

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Rimi reprogrammed the firewalls and fenced off unused parking spaces in areas where they don’t exist. Retail chain Iki has indicated that most sites have wooden pallets and stop slats. Similar measures apply to other stores.

Due to such restrictions, buyers seeking solutions leave their cars in yards and on the streets.

If the store is accessible by public transport, it is allowed to occupy only seats at a distance of at least one meter.

Fewer shoppers are allowed in, both as shopping carts or trolleys

As of Wednesday, a buyer must provide 15 m2. meters of commercial space in smaller stores or markets, and 30 square meters. meters – in more than 10 thousand. kv. meters in supermarkets.

Merchants generally address this limitation by leaving as many shopping carts and carts as the maximum number of customers that can enter the store.

Such procedures have been reported by adherent retail chains Maxima or Iki.

Shoppers line up at stores, there is nowhere to park their cars, they also build in the driveway

People near supermarkets

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Merchants do not change working hours

Although government-approved recommendations recommend that retailers extend their working hours, stores have not yet planned to do so, a Delfi survey showed.

Iki’s retail network is open during normal business hours, until 10 pm or 11 pm. It is recommended to visit outside peak hours, such as in the morning until 10 am and in the afternoon from 8 pm

Lidl also normally operates from 8 am to 10 pm, with several stores opening 1 hour earlier or closing 1 hour later.

“In the morning, residents often spend time on work tasks or children’s needs. However, we also noticed a lower flow of customers in stores late at night, so we encourage residents to take advantage of flexible opportunities. and plan purchases in the evening or on Sundays, ”said Vaida Budrienė, communication manager for retail chain Iki.

Rimi is considering extending her working hours, but continues to work as usual.

So does Maxima – while it doesn’t change working hours, it will evaluate customer flows and make decisions later.

Norfa does not change her working hours.

Shoppers line up at stores, there is nowhere to park their cars, they also build in the driveway

People near supermarkets

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Opening hours during the festive period

All retailers have already announced how they will work during the holiday season: opening hours will be limited on Christmas Eve and on January 31, not all retailers will be open on Christmas and parties will be closed during new ones. Rimi has announced that some stores will be open one more hour from December 21 to 23.

You can see the opening hours during the holidays in the Delfi table.

You should not advertise short-term actions, shorten the queues at the box office.

The government has also established a recommendation for merchants in all stores, supermarkets, markets, etc. Do not use short-term sales promotion measures, such as sales, discount hours, tastings, etc., which increase the flow of buyers and visitors at a certain time and place. The exception applies to online commerce.

Another recommendation for merchants is to increase the number of cash registers in operation so that there are no more than 5 people in line.

All stores, supermarkets or service places are prohibited from trading timeshares at points of sale, with the exception of the sale of food products, fireworks and stationary commercial islands.

It is strictly forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other websites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material in any way without consent, and if consent has been obtained, it is necessary to cite DELFI as the source.
