Shoppers even go to Vilnius for the Rasa and Domas store, account lover at Ignalina Business


Rasa and Domas Šteimantai are both from Ignalina in a sense. Rasa was born and raised there, the Dom family also came from here, so she spent a lot of time in this city. Therefore, his relocation six years ago did not surprise anyone too much, perhaps only businesses seem to be more suitable for a metropolis, where the flow of people who want to dress and make jewelry is much greater.

He used his name, just changed the syllable

However, the Saromania sign decorates the building in the center of Ignalina. The name is not accidental either, while Rasa laughs, here her obsession and her name, they only exchanged syllables.

The woman says that she studied in Vilnius, worked there, then went to see her husband in Šiauliai, although her family was also from Ignalina, he grew up here. “Ignalina, like the United States, like a cursed land, goes back all the time after staying, the attraction is very high,” smiles the man.

In Šiauliai, Šteimantai started a family, two children were born there. “We started a business after the children were born. At first, those first steps were timid, but we started to expand a bit and see that there is no longer enough space. Then we decided to return to Ignalina, where nature. We wanted the children to grow up in nature, as I grew up myself: lakes, forests. We returned to Ignalina, it was about six years ago, “says Rasa.

We wanted children to grow up in nature, as I grew up myself: lakes, forests.

Domas explains to his wife: “We chose between Vilnius and Ignalina, because we also had conditions in Vilnius, our own house in Žvėrynas, but we chose Ignalina. Now, after going to Vilnius, you want to get away from it as soon as possible, because if you drive a kilometer for an hour, it’s not good. “

In Ignalina, children grow better, they have a safe partner, and school is right here, and kindergarten is, pool, sports and other clubs. Not to mention the prices, because both, let’s say, a soccer practice and a pool here cost a few euros a month, not dozens.

“The children are growing here and we are trying to develop the business even more,” Rasa smiles.

I was fascinated by crochet

And that business started with Rasa’s hobby: when the first child was born, the woman decided to learn to knit as a bowler.

“The clothes are decorated with those thread cords, various details are concerned, I started studying, I was impressed. I had time because the boy was very calm. Orders appeared, and then the beads were grabbed as well, because not only are threads used but also various details when diving. You can also make jewelry, necklaces, brooches, earrings, bracelets. We thought that maybe we should try downloading the accounts ourselves, ”she says.

Family business in Ignalina - Saromania

Family business in Ignalina – Saromania

According to Domo, they initially bought the accounts in electronic stores and found providers. Then came the idea to create your own online store.

“The man had another job, he was raising a child, knitting and taking care of the online store. We discovered suppliers, and that’s where it all started. When we arrived in Ignalina, because we had the facilities, we decided to open a regular store too, “says Rasa on a small island where the eyes shine with the abundance of beads.

However, Šteimantai does not hide that they do not feed on this small store in the center of Ignalina, but on online shopping.

“It’s my hobby, I like stones, we try to look natural. Of course, there are all kinds, synthetic, glass, but the natural fascinates me. I had to study geology for a time, true, very little, but it was very interesting and won’t let me go, “smiles Rasa.

It is my hobby, I like stones, we try to look natural.

The demand for the products offered in their online store is really there, says Šteimantai. The start of his business coincided with a boom in his own jewelry making, it was in 2012.

“It is a time when the entire social space was full of crafts,” recalls Domas.

I am not looking for cheap but quality

But even after eight years, interest is enough. According to Rasa, perhaps their hobbies are changing: in the past, people were more interested in cheaper glass and plastic beads, but now they are looking for stones and buying all the thread.

“They make necklaces, bracelets, the latter are very popular. It used to be cheap, and now people are looking for quality. Therefore, we offer more stainless steel products that do not change color, the metal itself is better, although it costs more, but really buys. After all, when you make jewelry, you put work, you want it to last longer, it has value, “says the woman.

Family business in Ignalina - Saromania

Family business in Ignalina – Saromania

The spouses recognize that the work is enough for both: the products are small, many of them need to be published for each one. The husband communicates with the suppliers, maintains the server of the online store, the wife has to take care of the classification, packaging, inspections and also produces jewelry. After graduating in accounting, she also does this job.

The store in Ignalina is visited by locals and guests from the city, especially in summer. He tried to hire assistants, but, as Rasa admits, he failed, so he returned to work in pairs. My only regret is that there is no time left for the hobby of creating jewelry and crochet for a boyfriend.

Working alone for yourself, both difficult and useful, say the spouses, because then you know everything yourself. Both how to weave relationships with suppliers and how to place products in the store.

It used to be cheap, and now people are looking for quality.

“It would be impossible to survive alone from the store. The main thing is the online store. The number of people in Ignalina really decreases when we open, there were definitely more. There were more locals then, now we have more arrivals, they come to us especially: from Vilnius, Anykščiai, Utena, Visaginas, Zarasai. So now there are more arrivals, although there are locals who need jewelry, really ask for them. Those who like handicrafts also come, buy, bring and show their products, “said Rasa.

According to Rasa, it is more pleasant to work in Ignalina than in Šiauliai, where she also worked in the field of service: “Here people are more sincere, more communicative, we show ourselves products, we try to help sell. We have time. “

Later development is not abandoned, but perhaps later

Diamonds say that all of their experience came from work, that no one will learn about the business in every detail they have found in recent years. When asked if they were thinking of opening another regular store in another city, they said they had planned it, but have so far postponed the idea for the future.

Family business in Ignalina - Saromania

Family business in Ignalina – Saromania

“You have to be present to see. You need to turn it on, you can withdraw only later, when you find people, you will pay them. We still have to get involved and the children are young, they need attention. Until now we are not determined, we say that it is enough here so far. In addition, the main one is the online store, which during the quarantine was very successful, we won. We work hard, but like all those who sell online, we feel the benefits, “admits Rasa.

It is not enough for a couple of beads and stones, they bought a laser, so now they engrave, cut wooden souvenirs, other things, and Domas is also involved in computer maintenance.

When asked which stone is the most popular and fashionable, Rasa says this is not the case this year, and last year it was the pink opal and the moonstone: “It was something tapas – I couldn’t produce. I just made and bought again. There are more women in the stone. He who measures himself can no longer take it away, says it is suitable. “

There is a lot of competition in this field, but Šteimantai claims to have found its niche and is trying to maintain it, this requires exclusive and quality products.
