She explained how long the pregnancy actually lasts and what signs it is important to watch out for as term approaches.


“Not all women give birth on the day that is considered the preliminary day of delivery. Therefore, a few days before or after the scheduled date does not mean that it is premature or of transmission, says the obstetrician-gynecologist in the message sent. “If you have any questions, you should consult your pregnancy doctor or midwife, and pay attention to the pregnancy card, which should contain all relevant information about the necessary tests or delivery.”

How is the expiration date calculated and is it accurate?

In 1812, the German scientist Franc Karl Negel invented the formula for calculating the term of labor, which is still used in medicine to this day. When calculating the time of delivery, it is important to know the first calendar day of the last menstrual period, add 7 days and subtract 3 months (if the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days). This is how the expected day of birth is calculated.

Depending on the length of the regular menstrual cycle, this formula is adjusted accordingly. The duration of pregnancy is always calculated in weeks. A human pregnancy lasts approximately 280 days or 40 weeks. The actual duration is shorter because ovulation, during which the egg is fertilized in a woman’s body, occurs approximately two weeks after the start of the last menstrual period. Women often do not know the exact time of ovulation and possible conception, so throughout the world, the length of pregnancy is calculated using this formula, which is accurate enough for obstetricians and obstetricians to follow in clinical work. A pregnancy ultrasound exam in early pregnancy helps determine a more precise time of pregnancy.

Why is it important to know the exact duration of the pregnancy?

Depending on the established duration of pregnancy, the time for the necessary examinations is allocated. The exact duration of the pregnancy is also important to be able to determine at the beginning of the labor if the delivery occurs on time, if it is a premature delivery or a transmission.

When is premature labor considered?

Preterm birth is considered when a newborn is born before 37 weeks. Delivery that occurs three weeks before your scheduled delivery date is considered timely and the baby is born.

She explained how long the pregnancy actually lasts and what signs are important to watch out for as term approaches.

When can an ongoing pregnancy be called transmission?

A few days after the pregnancy due date, pregnant women often worry that the newborn will be conceived, but this is not always the case. Transmission is when the pregnancy continues two or more weeks after the expected date of delivery. Therefore, just a few days after the expected date of delivery, it cannot be said that it is a transfer.

What are the symptoms of giving birth?

The true symptoms of the beginning of labor are the regular contractions of the uterus. The onset of labor is determined by evaluating the changes in the cervix as it begins to open due to regular contractions. An impending delivery can also be caused by infrequent and irregular uterine contractions, loss of amniotic fluid, which is not necessarily a sign of the onset of labor. However, most of the time, in the case of a premature pregnancy, the leakage of amniotic fluid also starts labor.

After experiencing the first symptoms, how long can labor begin?

For each pregnant woman, labor begins individually. Sometimes the onset of regular uterine contractions slows down, and sometimes irregular uterine contractions can change the opening of the cervix.

When should I go to the maternity ward?

If you experience regular, painful contractions of the uterus that recur more than every 10 minutes and only get worse over time, you should go to the Pregnancy and Maternity Admissions Department.

You should also go to the maternity ward if there are amniotic fluid leaks. Although amniotic fluid leakage may not necessarily indicate the onset of labor, it is a condition that requires obstetricians and gynecologists to assess the situation and decide what to do next. Sometimes when amniotic fluid leaks out, the uterus begins to contract regularly and labor begins.

If the bleeding starts, if there is a problem with the fetal movements (which have felt fine but weakened or not at all), you should go to the maternity ward as soon as possible.

What items should be brought to the hospital for delivery?

Pregnant women must have an identity document and a pregnancy card that lists the tests performed and the doctor’s recommendations and conclusions. In addition to these documents, you should bring personal hygiene items such as toothbrush, bathrobe, pajamas and pads. Knowing the approximate weight of the newborn, it is also recommended to put diapers for the newborn’s clothes. It is also possible to drink still mineral water and dark chocolate.

Can a close person participate in the delivery?

It is recommended to have a person close to the pregnant woman during childbirth so that the woman feels as comfortable as possible and feels less stress. According to scientific data, the participation of a close person in childbirth improves the well-being of the woman and reduces the need for painkillers. It is important that the person who will be involved in the delivery can help and care for the well-being and needs of the pregnant woman. In addition to the husband / partner, another person close to the pregnant woman can participate in the delivery: mother, sister, girlfriend or dula.

If the exact date after assisted reproduction is known, is the delay dangerous?

When calculating the date of birth, it is important to consider not only the first day of the last menstrual cycle, but also other factors. For example, in the case of assisted reproduction, the embryo implantation time is taken into account when calculating the time of delivery, so this calculator changes. An early ultrasound exam shows the actual time of pregnancy quite accurately, so sometimes the term of pregnancy is calculated based on this exam. Knowing the date of delivery (after assisted reproduction) and if the pregnancy is not complicated, the fetus is developing well, is active and has enough water, the pregnancy can continue for a week or even more after the scheduled date of delivery . Long-term pregnancies are generally avoided, so it is generally recommended to start the pregnancy 7-9 days after the expected date of delivery.

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