Several hundred people demonstrated for the freedom to decide on vaccination: journalists attacked –


In Vilnius, on Saturday, several hundred people demanded freedom and the right to decide on the coronavirus vaccination to the Seimas and the Government, and called for an end to the segregation of people.

Before noon, a column of protesters moved from the Cathedral Square to the Seimas, which, according to BNS estimates, was attended by at least 500 people. They shouted “Forced vaccinations – no”, “No” for vaccine passports “,” No “for segregation”, “Freedom for Lithuania”, “Lithuania, be free!”.

While waving tricolor flags, Vytis and others, carried banners with the inscriptions “Stop violence against people!”, “Do not destroy freedom of expression!”, Chanting slogans against the current Seimas and the Government.

The slogans mentioned the names of Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, as well as the Mayor of Vilnius Remigijus Šimašius.

After a brief stop at the Seimas, the protesters bypassed the parliamentary buildings and returned to the Gediminas Avenue near the Government building in V. Kudirka Square at 1 pm the main rally took place.

“Thank you Vilnius residents and all the people of Lithuania who have given up entertainment at the Klaipeda Sea Festival and are participating here in a very important campaign: the first protest action of its kind against the segregation of people in Lithuania. We remember that the fascists behaved similarly during the Second World War “, – the demonstration was started by the pedagogue Astra Genovaitė Astrauskaitė.

“Now healthy people leading a healthy lifestyle are also the most disgusting words (…)”, said the organizer of the event.

Speakers at the demonstration called vaccination in Lithuania “experimental vaccination”, demanded explanations about who is responsible for human health after vaccination.

“Who will guarantee our health after vaccination? (…) We are not against speaking. We are not some kind of dark “antivaxin”: everyone is vaccinated against tuberculosis, against everything (…) But we have to guarantee safety, the safety of our families, the safety of health, “Nijolė Čiučiulkienė told the audience.

The demonstration also touched on the crisis of illegal immigration to Lithuania. The rally organizers invited participants to go to Dieveniškės later on Saturday to support the locals. On Friday, more than a hundred people in Dievenišks demanded that migrants crossing the border between Belarus and Lithuania remain illegally in the city.

In Vilnius, the police supervised discipline at a rally on Saturday.
