September 13 – Passports of opportunity in public transport: bus drivers intimidate those who leave


The bus driver Victor predicts what will change on September 13.

“What will change? Nothing will change, only the drivers will leave, I will also personally leave work, because it makes no sense to damage my nerves every day, “he said.

Some intercity buses stop at dozens of stops. According to the carriers, delays will be unavoidable. Those with a GP will suffer too.

“People will come up with all kinds of problems, and so on. There will be real obstacles to driving, delays. People who have a GP will suffer more, “explained A. Indrašius.

According to the drivers, the new order will have to absorb the anger of the passengers.

“There are 41 stops in a day ahead and 41 stops in the back. <...>. We need one minute for each passenger, we need an additional 3-4 hours to verify all that data, ”said Viktor, the bus driver.

On intercity buses, it will be necessary to show the driver a GP on paper or digital, the codes will not be scanned.

“He will present the document, we will have to believe that it is authentic,” said TOKS director A. Indrašius.

As of September 13, no GP will not be allowed on trains. It will not be enough to show the document in them.

“We will test it, of course, in the big stations it will be done before boarding, and in other smaller stops, in the same way that we verify the ticket. <...>, the same principle, “said Linas Baužys, Director of LTG Link.

What happens if while the train is running it turns out that the passenger does not have a family doctor?

“Usually we land malicious people,” said L. Baužys.

According to the Lithuanian Railways, traveling with GP will be safer and more convenient.

“GP offers the opportunity to not wear a mask during the trip, because our clients are currently limited enough, we cannot sell them water or coffee,” added the director.

At the Vilnius bus station, passengers have different opinions.

“I thank you, today I have that GP, I adjust, I’m fine. Probably there are those who know how to adapt,” said the woman who was waiting at the station.

“At the moment, this is necessary because the spread of the virus is endless,” the man said.

However, there are those who believe that some passengers will have problems.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Others may think that maybe somehow it will pass, here the psychological moments begin. Maybe someone else can’t print and you have to travel suddenly,” said the senior who was waiting for the bus.

“How much do I know about older people who may not all have email? banking, I think there will be some difficulties for them ”, said the young man interviewed.

However, there were also respondents who said they were vaccinated but did not know how to get a GP.

The railways have no complaints about the new pending regime, and the carriers ask the Government GP not to demand it.

“We hope the government will listen to us and maybe change that,” said the TOKS director.

According to the Minister of Health, it will be necessary to adapt.

“It seems to me that in managing the pandemic, we have those challenges at every step and it seems that we all need to accept them and do everything possible to ensure that we do not go back to December, January, when the whole economy was closed,” said the Minister.

The government announced that the restrictions would be lifted if the epidemiological situation improved. Now, according to the minister, this is not the case.

“The number of people in resuscitation beds is growing, I am a little concerned that now the wave has also ‘caught’ mortality,” said A. Dulkys.
