Self-Employed Residents Can Receive Sodra Benefits Faster


Until now, self-employed residents often had to wait several months or even a year to receive sickness, maternity, paternity or childcare benefits; Sodra could provide these benefits when residents reported income and paid social security contributions.

Faster payments – faster payments

Residents who are usually self-employed declare their income and contribute to Sodra throughout the year until May 1 of the following year. Sodra can then assess whether they were insured on the day they were entitled, whether they had acquired the required duration of social security, and calculate the benefit amount based on the contributions paid.

Also, for example, if a person was still working on a self-employment certificate during maternity leave or during the first year of paternity leave, their benefit was reduced by the income received and reported from self-employment.

“The procedure to declare the income of the population does not change, but it is possible to receive sickness benefits immediately after the end of the period of incapacity for work, if the self-employed person has paid social security contributions the previous month or, in some cases, the actual.

In addition, the amount of the benefit will no longer depend on whether the self-employed resident has secured income from self-employment, ”explains Rimantas Mitkevičius, Head of the Division of Control of Benefits and Disabilities for Work at Sodra.

To take advantage of this innovation, the self-employed should pay contributions every month.

Won’t wait for income statement

For example, if a resident works with an individual activity certificate in January and submits an SAV notification and pays social security contributions to Sodra through the insured’s information system until the last day of January , is considered insured in both January and February, therefore During quarantine, a child who is at home to care for a small child who is studying at a distance may receive sickness benefit within the established period, if he has acquired the time of service required in social security.

The amount of the benefit, as before, will depend on the income received in the previous period and the social contributions they have paid. If this income has not yet been declared, but the person is entitled to the benefit, a minimum benefit is granted, which is recalculated once the income has been declared and the contributions paid. In addition, while on paternity leave for the first year, the resident may continue to work on their own; Income from self-employment will no longer be valued during the benefit period as before.

The sickness benefit is granted within 10 business days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents (application, other data, etc.) and is paid within 7 business days from the date of the decision. If the period of incapacity for work lasts more than 14 days, the decisions to grant and pay the benefit are made at the end of this period and repeated later.

For example, if one of the parents receives a certificate of incapacity for work for a beginner who is receiving distance education on January 4, the first sickness benefit will arrive in the first half of February and approximately every two or three weeks from then.

What benefits belong to the self-employed

The new benefits scheme is immediately available to the self-employed who will pay their January contributions at the end of this month. In the following months, the self-employed who have paid social security contributions for the previous month or, in certain cases, for the current month and have submitted a SAV notification to Sodra, will be considered insured.

Sodra recalls that all self-employed residents, except business license holders, are covered by sickness, social maternity insurance, and members of small partnerships and sole proprietorships are also covered by social unemployment insurance, so who can receive these social security benefits accordingly.

More information on sickness benefits can be found on the Sodra website selecting the section “Illness” benefits for the self-employed ».

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