Sejonienė: would consider receiving a proposal for the post of Minister of Health


“In the spring, the Lithuanian Medical Movement pointed out that the Minister of Health is probably not the person who could fully control the situation. In any case, COVID-19 is not just a health problem, it is both a social and an economic problem. Most likely, that position as head of state operations is the most appropriate for the prime minister. I very much hope that the future Prime Minister or Prime Minister will assume this responsibility, “J. Sejonienė told LRT radio on Tuesday and when he is asked if he would decide to replace A. Veryga in the Ministry of Health, he said he would consider such a proposal.

“If they offered me, I would definitely consider it,” he admitted.

According to the vice president of the Medical Movement elected to the Seimas, given that the number of coronavirus infections in Lithuania grows every day, it is necessary to thoroughly re-evaluate the existing state capacity to manage the situation in the country.

“We should first assess what situation we have at the moment, what resources have already been used, what opportunities there are and what we can do. The work will be extraordinary, ”he said, emphasizing that he believes municipalities should be ready to accept COVID-19 patients now.

“At this rate of increase in the number of cases, the specialized COVID-19 clinics will certainly not cope. I believe that an active dialogue with municipalities and municipal bodies is already necessary so that they are also preparing to actively receive The situation we have today is a reflection of the processes that took place a few weeks ago. “What people do today and how they get infected, we will see the real situation only in a few weeks,” he added.

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