Sejonienė was outraged by the actions of the Druskininkai mayor: such behavior is cynical


“2020 January 27 In the official Facebook account of 2021, the mayor of the municipality of Druskininkai Ričardas Malinauskas reported that the municipality of Druskininkai had included groups of the population in the priority vaccination list, which were not provided by the Minister of Health in 2021. January 5 in order No. V-8: small businesses, beauty professionals.

We are convinced that such arbitrary intervention by the head of the municipality in the vaccination process violates the regulations provided by the Minister of Health and unjustifiably discriminates against priority population groups, distorts the state policy for managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality, and sets a dangerous precedent for other municipalities. and K. Reckov.

Jurgita Sejonienė

“The Mayor of Druskininkai manifestly refuses to implement the state health protection policy. Priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination have been formed on the basis of expert recommendations and scientific arguments, and such political intervention at the level local is unacceptable and intolerable ”, says K. Rečkovas.

“Such behavior is very cynical: People whose health and life are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 are included in the priority groups. They have reasonable expectations that are broken. Vaccination must be carried out according to plan and ministerial orders must follow what is written in them. This is valid for all municipalities “, highlighted the member of the Seimas J. Sejonienė.
