Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen – on what it means to be a mother of four and a familiar taste of guilt


“In politics, especially in Lithuania, women are still being looked at through a magnifying glass and, more often, women politicians are asked how they manage to coordinate all the work. Men, including young fathers, rarely They are asked if they can reconcile raising a child with a position in Parliament or a ministerial position. It seems to me that these are challenges for both, “says the president of Seimas.

Politicians are well aware of how difficult it is to reconcile career and family. Every career mother, she said, must seek a compromise and accept the idea that she will not be able to perform all duties perfectly and live up to her mother’s ideal, according to the press release.

“My recipe for career women is to renounce perfectionism. Because it is dangerous and that ideal cannot yet be achieved,” advises V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Between two worlds

On weekdays, the Speaker of the Seimas lives in Vilnius and is dedicated to her political activities to the full, so when she returns home on weekends, she tries to give him her full attention. This, admits the interlocutor of the host Kristina Rimienė, is not always successful, because she is not only the Speaker of the Seimas, but also the leader of the party.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen is open, if the older children understand the whole situation, then the younger ones have a hard time putting it into practice, there are tears, so the woman knows well the taste of guilt, which she feels for almost all the women make a career.

“The youngest, Christian, is three years old, he always agrees with me, Mom, thank you very much for coming. This, of course, does not reduce the guilt, but on the other hand, this is life and this is the price of reconciling the family with the career “, says Victoria, who does not hide the guilt, but looks at everything in a very rational way. This feeling of guilt, she said, is inseparable when a woman spends most of her time in other activities.

The Seimas Speaker family spends their time in the same way as many other families: they play ball, build lego, go for walks. Any activity with children brings you a lot of joy, because time is limited, so you try to make the most of it.

From chess to politics

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, a world famous chess master, does not play politics in the world; political decisions are too serious and affect everyone. According to her, the comparison of chess and politics is standard, but she sees many differences between these areas.

“First of all, there are very clear rules and clear requirements on the chess board. Chess is a very simple game: everything that happens happens on the board according to known rules. It is very different in politics. In that, the Politics is an interesting activity, at times perhaps dangerous, but also very important, ”said my politician.

Chess players have already shown that they can be great politicians. Stubbornness, strategic thinking, and ability provide many opportunities to make sense of oneself in political life.

“Let’s say Latvian chess player Dana Reizniece-Ozola, who later became Finance Minister and had a very brilliant political career. Many colleagues did that and I was impressed by this example,” says the politician.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen will also tell about her personal hobbies, reveal who supports her the most and how she reacts to criticism. All those who want to hear how the Speaker of the Seimas will celebrate on March 11, when the country will return to the normal rhythm of life and what kind of trip a great chess master dreams of, are invited to watch the program “World by Women” on TV3 this Sunday at 10 a.m.

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