Seimas – proposal to allow alcohol trading on Sundays after 3pm: Veryga calls this step macabre


He received no convincing arguments

The “worker” A. Mazuronis Delfi commented that as soon as a change in alcohol control is considered, there is constant talk of some restrictions in the sector.

“The biggest lack of logic is the exclusion of one day. I asked everyone: both on the left and on the right, how is Sunday different from Monday or Tuesday? According to this regulation, it means that on Monday it is possible to consume alcohol for a longer period of time and on Sunday, for some reason, not. That regulation is strange and nobody explains to me why Sunday is indicated. Even those who did couldn’t explain it. “

Andrius Mazuronis

Andrius Mazuronis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to him, this regulation is really illogical and does not apply at all to the segment for which it is desired to restrict access to alcohol.

“If 10 or 15 percent. Companies have problems with alcohol consumption, the measures currently in force are largely aimed at the remaining 85%. Thus, strong beer can be sold in 2-liter containers, fortified wines in bamboo, vodka in so-called yogurt jars, no one takes them out of the trade under the pretext of the need to coordinate this with the European Commission. Meanwhile, the measures now in force have more to do with public relations than with the actual result .

A. Mazuronis added that A. Veryga himself could not honestly explain the meaning of this prohibition to the Seimas rostrum when asked twice.

“I would have found out if I hadn’t allowed it since Sunday morning because there is mass, but for some reason I decided to prohibit shopping in the afternoon. It seems very illogical to me. “

The solution seems strange

V. Gapšys recalled his colleague and assured that it was a strange decision for him why it is allowed to buy alcohol until 3 pm on Sunday, when it is possible to buy alcohol until 8 pm the rest of the days.

“I was trying to explain to myself that maybe it was because people were sober on Mondays. So why don’t we mind that they’re sober on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday? In my opinion, this is redundant insurance. “

Vytautas Gapšys

Vytautas Gapšys

© Photo of the organizers

According to him, since the ruling coalition party’s programs at least spoke of the layoffs being reviewed, the Labor Party initiated such a project.

“We hope that this issue advances, and when it is discussed in the Seimas, the parliamentarians will be able to decide.” There are differences of opinion and if there are arguments as to why the ban should be maintained or strengthened, then the final decisions will be made. “

At the same time, V. Gapšys recalled that the Liberals had explained during the last term that most of the bans were excessive and therefore expected his support.

“In addition, they have registered one or another mitigation themselves, so everything can be seen together in the package of proposals.”

Doesn’t understand distractions

A. Veryga says that this offer of “workers” is very badly appreciated. According to him, Lithuania can finally be justifiably proud of having taken such comprehensive measures to reduce alcohol consumption, which have yielded very good and tangible results.

“These results are now being analyzed by Lithuanian and international scientists. To this end, the Americans also allocated funds to evaluate those measures. I really don’t understand such distractions and at least the thing to do is maybe get that appreciation. Not political. It is scientific, which could really ease that kind of burden. You know, politicians still use political arguments, not scientific and unscientific arguments. “

Aurelijus Veryga

Aurelijus Veryga

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

When asked why he chose Sunday for insurance over another day, he said to allow him to offer another if he wanted.

“You mean here Monday? I don’t know which day they think would be the most appropriate. Yesterday I also saw that message and just sitting in the Seimas I was looking for material that I will definitely send and present to my colleagues. I looked for meta-analysis in other countries to explain what it means to shorten the time and number of days. “

According to the politician, the evidence is unequivocal that it translates into a reduction in consumption, so colleagues would like to reread the alcohol control law that they want to modify.

“The objective of the law is to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, not to increase it. If you can show in any way that this amendment reduces consumption, I will support it. But perhaps the goal is not to reduce, but to increase. I wouldn’t be too surprised, as some colleagues are mentioned in cases involving large producers of alcoholic beverages. For me, it’s like directly protecting the interests of some companies. “

After hearing the considerations that these restrictions are not targeting the 10-15 percent. On the subject of alcohol-related social problems, he said he could not imagine where A. Mazuronis had extracted that number and how he had measured it.

“We need to understand that people addicted to alcohol will find ways to get drunk during the prohibited time. These measures mainly affect those who are not addicted but are at risk or are harmful to use. In other words, they are at risk of developing an addiction. or other risks because alcohol is a cancer-causing carcinogen.

This measure is affecting people who do not drink more, so those sayings that only 10 or 15 percent have problems seem to me to hang from the ceiling. If it hangs from the ceiling, I can say 95 percent. you have problems, will you deny them? “

He also recalled that when he had previously presented his proposals on alcohol control, it was explained that alcohol consumption was not the most important problem, and then there was no controversy.

“Now the only problem left for the survivors after the fight is getting a chance to get drunk? I don’t know, it’s just another macabre solution for me.” The turf, the alcohol business hours, will surely be the key issues now”.

He does not consider this restriction to be the most illogical

The spokesman for the liberal movement Eugenijus Gentvilas assured that the anti-alcohol campaign has more medieval restrictions than this one.

“I don’t think this is the most illogical or absurd restriction. Already in the last quarter, Peter Chimbar submitted an offer, but it was not accepted after the presentation. Maybe I will be successful in this period, maybe I will vote in favor, I am not yet decided. “

Seimas - proposal to allow alcohol trading on Sundays after 3pm: Veryga calls this step macabre

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Think that there are more odisotic limitations. For example, a ban on buying alcohol for up to 20 years.

“I think we will get to the point where this restriction is lifted. A man may have already served in the military, have two children, but he is still prohibited from drinking. I would add what the ‘workers’ could have done wrong. Without blaming them. I believe that the whole set of constraints should be reviewed and addressed in this way, and not in individual initiatives.

At least from the ruling majority, if there were your initiative here, colleagues and I would ask to discuss everything in a comprehensive manner. Of course, perhaps the mitigating factor in this case is that it was suggested by the opposition representatives and they do not have to coordinate everything with the rulers.

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