Seimas members propose studying the impact of 5G technologies on health in Lithuania: what’s behind it? The | 15MAX


But we will return to the Seimas members a little later. It is important to provide context at the beginning.

And again “nobody studied”

As usual, D. Kepenis tried to explain that “no one has studied the effects of 5G” (to quote exactly: “there are many questions and scientists have no answers”).

VIDEO: 06-17-2020 Discussion “The impact of fifth generation (5G) mobile communications on the health and immunity of the population …

The truth is that there are many studies on the effects of 5G on health (or, more precisely, the frequency of the electromagnetic waves in which 5G networks will transmit information in the future). And this, once again, casts doubt on the competence and ability of this Seimas member to evaluate the information provided by reliable scientific sources.

Kepenis’ statement “no one studied” was contested by direct and remote conference participants on both sides of the barricades. Jarūnė Rimavičė, the head of the association “For Safe Technologies”, which was established just a month ago and does not support the development of 5G communications, attended the conference with a set of traditional charges about 5G communications. She said that “man-made electromagnetic waves, according to foreign scientists, exceed a quintillion times (10¹⁸) the natural background.” J.Rimavičė also shared the belief that electromagnetic waves are a pollutant that is harmful to animals (including humans), plants, and microorganisms. J. Rimavičė did not provide any reference to the scientific research on the basis of which he spread the message.

Ugnius Kiguolis, one of the biggest vaccine damage evangelicals in Lithuania, who likes to say that he has a medical education, spoke about “dozens of studies” that allegedly showed damage to the 5G connection, with its characteristic brilliance. Past: U. Kiguolis has attended homeopathy and vibratory medicine courses, but according to formal education he is a master of show business.)

The conference was attended not only by representatives of anti-scientific associations, but also by scientists. For example, Vitalijus Novickij, who works at the Institute for Strong Magnetic Fields at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, has contributed to dozens of scientific papers investigating the effects of electromagnetic waves on living organisms. He also noted that there is a large body of research on the effects of 5G on living organisms, but it is difficult for non-specialists to find them in the research database: no one writes “5G health effects” in the titles of such articles, but use the phrase “2-30 GHz electromagnetic waves”. effects on a specific biological process. “

Novickij said that there are thousands of scientists who have dedicated their entire professional lives to studying the effects of electromagnetic fields on humans and other organisms, many scientific conferences and a large number of articles are published each year, so it is safe to say that the effects of all commercial technologies has been long explored and, as an example of how the community in this field exchanges knowledge with each other, has presented the program of an international conference. There are many such conferences each year, and where scientific articles are published separately.

The scientist recognized that electromagnetic fields and waves can cause effects on living organisms, but it is very important to pay attention to the parameters of the field and the radiation power. According to him, the vast majority of research papers, which were able to determine any effect on living organisms, used at least 1,000 times more radiant power than that provided in the communication standards for public use.

“Scientists are very eager to show the impact because it is difficult to print a scientific article on the absence of effects. Here is the same as writing in a newspaper that “nothing happened in Vilnius.” Who will read such a newspaper? This is another reason why so many works use thousands of times more radiation, because only then can changes be induced in biological objects, ”said the researcher at the Institute of Strong Magnetic Fields.

According to him, most of the research on the effects of frequency waves required by 5G technology on living organisms has already been done in the past: the work in scientific institutions has far exceeded what we see today in the commercial environment. And while a small amount of that research has been done so far, researchers in the field are now looking to the future and exploring the parameters of even newer communication technologies so that, over time, they can certainly make their recommendations for future generations of technology radiation rates.

It can be concluded that the World Health Organization and the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection present their conclusions and recommendations on the basis of this scientific work.

Therefore, “nobody studied” from D.Kenis, both vaccines and 5G connections should be reinterpreted as “I did not read.”

5G is far from new

Judging not from a technological point of view, but from a purely physical and medical point of view, the 5G connection is definitely not new. And the frequencies at which this technology will operate have been used in Lithuania for many years. In some cases, even a few dozen.

For example, a terrestrial television signal used to transmit the 700 MHz band, which is important for “coverage”, has been transmitted for decades. According to Mindaugas Žilinskas, Deputy Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority, other suitable frequencies for this technology – 1.8 and 2.1 GHz – are currently assigned to 3G technologies, but in the near future they plan to launch and use them for more advanced communication technologies. And even that “big” 3.5 GHz frequency band in Lithuania has been used for a long time and very intensively: Mezon’s wireless Internet services are still provided on this frequency.

M. Žilinskas emphasized that society, which tends to fear the 5G connection, often does not distinguish between so-called centimeter waves and millimeter waves. And although millimeter waves (in this case approximately 26 to 60 GHz) are also suitable for data transmission in 5G networks, it would be practical to install antennas that operate at this frequency, except in the megacities themselves, where it is necessary to attend to large numbers of people in a relatively small area. “I can’t imagine Vilnius needing such a frequency,” said the deputy director of RRT.

For new communication technologies, a technical / software element will be much more important than electromagnetic frequencies, which have no theoretical or practical possibility of affecting human health in any way (well, except for the fact that doctors will be able to consult e even remotely operate patients using 5G). road).

And what do Seimas members offer?

Mindaugas Puidokas, who does not hide that he is a great admirer of US President Donald Trump and ideologically flirts with proponents of the conspiracy theories of the Q Anon conspiracy for the 5G coronavirus), the Seimas supported the idea of ​​another member of the Seimas, Valerijus Simulikas, to commission Lithuanian universities, LSMU and VU, to carry out their own 5G health impact studies and adjust hygiene standards for electromagnetic radiation based on the results of these studies. Politicians also cited as positive examples states that allegedly delayed the deployment of 5G communication networks due to a health factor.

Therefore, judging by the speeches during the conference, one has the impression that D.Kepenis, V. Simulikas, M.Puidokas and Juozas imbrasas seek to postpone the introduction of 5G technologies in Lithuania until such research is carried out and the politicians and the competent authorities accept the appropriate measures. solutions on which the development of 5G in Lithuania will depend.

According to V. Novickij and Rūta Ustinavičienė, a professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, there is no point in repeating studies of 5G physiological effects conducted many times elsewhere in Lithuania.

“It is not convenient to repeat the research in other countries of Lithuania, it is not done; the publications of other authors are reliable,” said the LSMU researcher, who proposed using the guidelines of the International Commission for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP ) to limit electromagnetic radiation in the 100 KHz-300 GHz band.

“I think it is a waste of taxpayer money if we plan to repeat the research that has already been done and replicated in many countries.” Furthermore, such unreasonable delays in technology, in my opinion, will have a negative impact on the development of new companies, as 5G opens up greater possibilities for the Internet of Things. Especially considering the context that 5G networks are already installed in the UK, partly in Austria, Germany and elsewhere, ”said V. Novickij.

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