Seimas member Džiugelis shared how he feels after vaccination: AstraZeneca has shown character


On Tuesday night, a Seimas member shared on his Facebook account how he feels after the first dose of AstraZeneca. According to him, AstraZeneca has shown character.

“Our first night was sweeter than I expected, no chills or other signs of discomfort.

Still, in the morning, AstraZeneca showed character: the deceptive peace turned into an internal conflict. On about the third night, the arm in which the vaccine was injected began to hurt, the fever rose, and the bones began to break.

I can’t say that I longed for this same experience, but I’m not complaining and maybe I’m even happy. The reaction shows that the body produces antibodies – the vaccine works!

Even more rewarding is the idea that these symptoms will go away and that, unlike being infected with the virus, the vaccine will help prevent complications from COVID.

Therefore, the brief discomfort is redeemed by realizing that this is the only way to return to normal life. Only together will we pass this test ”, writes a member of the Seimas.

Dust: Intent is to turn on “parallel speed” and vaccinate large teams

To use the residues of the AstraZeneca vaccine and accelerate vaccination, large teams are planned to be vaccinated, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys announced.

According to the minister, the possibility of organized vaccination of large groups is expected to accelerate the consumption of vaccines.

“What we are seeing is that modern vaccines or Pfizer are currently lagging in the priority groups, which are related to age and disease, but sadly not available in all centers. So we decided to expand the possibilities to speed up vaccination. This week, we will activate parallel speeds; using the remnants of AstraZeneca, we will start vaccinating large teams, large groups, which are also in the priority groups, just a little lower, “said A. Dulkys.

According to the minister, it is not yet known what size this priority group could have, so the start of mass vaccination of the population will depend on the success of their vaccination and the supply of the vaccine.

“Now our vaccination tactics are not set in stone, as you can see, we have worked hard to see what scraps we have, those options, after a week or two. I think we’ll see how we manage to vaccinate those main groups, because we know they are big enough, but we can only theoretically imagine how many people will want to be vaccinated in these groups, and that and future supplies will depend on that. [masinės vakcinacijos] get started, ”he said.

According to A. Dulkis, 70 thousand people should be brought to Lithuania this week. Pfizer and 15 thousand. AstraZeneca vaccines.

Will legalize vaccines in pharmacies

He also noted that last week was an overall record in terms of vaccinations, with more than 88,000 vaccinated. people, when a week ago there were almost 75 thousand.

The Minister recalled that there are currently about 60 thousand. unused AstraZeneca vaccines, Modern nearly 9,000, Pfizer less than 5,000

Among other things, the head of SAM announced that it is planned to legalize vaccination in pharmacies starting this week.

“It is not only about the ordering of legal acts, but also computer issues. We hope that as soon as this is resolved, it will be possible to accelerate vaccination with the help of pharmacists, ”he said.

The portal recalls that the pharmacists themselves say that they are ready to be vaccinated not only against encephalitis and seasonal influenza transmitted by ticks, but also with the COVID-19 vaccine.
