Seimas lifted the bans: alcohol trade is allowed on beaches and outdoor cafes Business


68 Seimas members voted in favor of the amendments to the law, 2 against and 2 abstained.

15 minutes recalls that the prohibitions on the sale of alcoholic beverages in non-stationary buildings and pavilions more than 40 meters from a stationary restaurant have been in force since January 1. As a result, almost all the cafes that existed before disappeared on the coast.

According to the amendments to the law, Aušra Papirtienė and Gediminas Vasiliauskas, due to such prohibitions, the business faces problems in serving customers who want to be served at tables outside.

“This becomes particularly problematic in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the expansion of service areas (zones) of cafeterias and other catering establishments is the only way for a catering establishment to operate and at the same time ensure the safety of your customers, “says the explanatory note.

He approved the sale of alcohol on the beaches.

Members of Seimas Simonas Gentvilas, Gintaras Vaičekauskas, Jurgis Razma, Aušrinė Armonaitė, Rasa Budbergytė, Linas Balsys and Irena Šiaulienė proposed to allow the sale of alcohol on beaches with a volumetric concentration of ethyl alcohol that does not exceed 15 percent.

However, this was not shared by the Health Committee, which said that the beaches were not the place where alcoholic beverages should be marketed and consumed.

“Intoxicated people are more likely to commit minor crimes, lose self-control and are more likely to suffer various injuries and sun rays. To ensure the safety, health and even the lives of tourists, as well as cultural leisure activities, the sale of alcoholic beverages on the beaches should not be allowed, “concluded the Health Committee.

It is true that the Seimas members emphasized that this decision was weighed in the committee by the vote of President Asta Kubilienė.

With Seimas again allowing the sale of weak alcohol on beaches, the prohibition on the sale and consumption of strong alcohol on beaches continues.

Alcohol sellers returned to shore

Jonas Pirožnikas, the leader of the rescuers from Palanga 15 minutes He said that illegal alcohol traffickers returned to the beaches this year. Tourists also bring alcoholic beverages to the coast.

READ MORE: it is forbidden to sell alcohol on the beach, so cold beer has returned to the beaches: the price of a can is 6-8 euros

In addition, Palanga Mayor Šarūnas Vaitkus shared an entry on his Facebook account on Monday, expressing his outrage at the law that prohibits the sale of alcohol in beach cafes.

“This law, which prohibits drinking a glass of wine or beer in beach cafes, has not served small businesses, but supermarkets where bagged alcohol travels to beaches,” wrote Š. Vaitkus on his Facebook page.

READ MORE: Mayor of Palanga: the law that prohibits drinking wine in beach cafes has only served in supermarkets
