Sediment verdict: the two nominees are not suitable


After the meeting, President G. Nausėda announced that two new candidates should be sought. The head of the country did not like Kasparas Adomaitis, the candidate of the Freedom Party for the Ministers of Transport and Communications, and Dalia Miniataitė, the candidate for the Minister of Agriculture.

“By no means do I mean that the candidates who came forward were bad or did not understand their roles. Only today I can only say that I, as president, cannot take responsibility for the implementation of their actions in the long and short term, because there is a lack of vision, a lack of knowledge of the problems in my sector ”, explained G. Nausėda.

The Freedom Party and the Conservatives will have to seek new candidates for these ministries in the near future. G. Nausėda assured that he had preliminary knowledge of the possible candidacy of the Freedom Party.

“If I am presented with that candidacy, knowing this person really well, I think he could really be a good candidate for the post and portfolio of Minister of Transport and Communications,” said G. Nausėda.

The head of state also spoke with the prime minister about other candidates who raised questions. G. Nausėda first discussed the case of the candidate for Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis.

“Yes, Arūnas Dulkys presented his vision of the situation, assessment of the perspective. My main doubts were not so much about his long-term vision and plans to optimize the health system, but about the actions to take in the short term, because we are speaking of a very sensitive sector that is currently experiencing very high tensions.

“We are at the epicenter of the pandemic period, the indicators are deteriorating and therefore a very clear action plan and algorithm is needed immediately after the first day of work,” said the president.

The plan presented by G. Dulkis to G. Nausėda raised doubts, but, according to the president, I. Šimonytė took personal responsibility for the minister’s activities.

“We have agreed that if we do not succeed, we will not wait long, decisions will be made very quickly. I really don’t want to exercise and I would be wrong. I wish Mr. Dulkis the best of luck, but the challenges will be enormous and he will need a lot of help, ”said G. Nausėda.

Another candidacy that raised doubts for the president is Dainius Kreivys, who is being appointed Minister of Energy.

“Not so much with our competence or knowledge of the regulatory sphere itself, but with certain problems with the coordination of public and private interests,” explained G. Nausėda.

After the meeting, the head of state received a written commitment from D. Kreivis on how to avoid the slightest suspicion of confusion of interests. G. Nausėda, seeing the candidate’s serious attitude towards the possible risks, sees no reason not to approve him as Minister of Energy.

The president will meet with the newly nominated candidates on Monday and, if the nominations are fulfilled, the head of state plans to sign a decree on the formation of the government no later than Tuesday morning.

“This sufficiently detailed round of meetings with the candidates allowed us to know in detail their position, their competencies, their visions and at the same time it did not last long”, is convinced G. Nausėda.

The news portal recalls that in two weeks G. Nausėda met with all the candidates for ministerial positions. Monika Navickienė, a conservative candidate for Minister of Social Security and Labor, was the first to join him. The president’s adviser stated that Ms Navickienė had made a good impression. And during the meeting, the issue of money and children’s pensions was also discussed.

After a meeting with Simon Kairis, representative of the Liberal Movement aspiring to the portfolio of Minister of Culture, the president pointed out that this candidate must further strengthen his long-term vision in the cultural sector. And he pointed out the importance of a team to work with him.

The president had questions about the team of Kaspar Adomaitis, a candidate for the post of Minister of Transport and Communications, but did not hear any specific answers.

The president believes that the candidate for Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolskas is bold, determined and willing to implement the necessary changes in the judicial system. However, the president wonders if he will have enough experience and authority in the legal community to bring about change.

From the conservative candidate for Minister of Education, Science and Sports Jurgita Šiugždinienė G. Nausėda lacked a vision and plan for change in the field of sport.

The country’s chief, Arūnas Dulkis, who will likely replace Aurelijus Verygas as Minister of Health, hopes to have crisis management skills. Dulkys said he had presented part of his 130-point plan to control the coronavirus to the country’s leader.

The candidate for Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė left a positive impression on President G. Nausėda. It turned out that a policy has a lot of energy, enthusiasm and motivation to achieve the objectives that are proposed to it.

Simon Gentville, the environment minister candidate, took longer to serve with the president than other ministerial candidates. After the meeting, he arrived with the green folder, which provided the first major works. G. Nausėda positively evaluated the candidacy of S. Gentvilas, but assigned him the task: to convince the part of society that is not satisfied with the situation in the field of environmental protection.

During the meeting with the candidate for Finance Minister, Gintare Skaiste, the question of the candidate’s reputation was raised and the representative of the President indicated that she would first have to answer all the questions that arise in society. Seven years ago, G. Skaistė was driving while intoxicated and received a fine, he lost the right to drive a car.

The president was impressed by Dalia Miniataitė, a candidate for Minister of Agriculture, who has many years of experience in the agricultural sector. However, he lacked a clear vision of her on important issues.

On Thursday, G. Nausėda met with the four remaining candidates for ministerial portfolios. According to the presidency, the candidate for Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė could have delved into the issues under her supervision, but her motivation fills in the gaps.

The president asked Dainius Kreivis, the candidate for energy minister, if he would again be hampered by private interests. A decade ago he lost the post of Minister of the Economy.

After meeting with the candidate for Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas, the president was impressed by his experience, but A. Anušauskas’s knowledge of English became popular.

On Thursday night, G. Nausėda met with the latest ministerial candidate: Gabriel Landsbergis, the Conservative leader running for the Foreign Ministry. Representatives of the president said that the evaluation of the candidate would be delivered directly to Ingrida Šimonyte, and the conservative leader spoke about the continuity of foreign policy.

The news portal has already written that the president alludes to the designated prime minister about unsuitable candidates, and Ingrida Šimonytė says that the division of ministries between the coalition partners can also be considered. Experts believe that the president should not exceed his powers, and government approval should be accelerated, especially when a pandemic breaks out outside the window.
